Need help adding exercise

Today I worked on lifting weights. I cant figure out how to add what I did to MFP


  • Start slowly and add on slowly. Walking like ten minutes twice a week is a good start and just add on. If your already more active just increase the intensity of what your doing by a little bit. You can walk, go up and down stairs, do a workout video, just be creative
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    You must log the amount of time for "strength training" under the Cardiovascular section to get an estimate for Calories burned. You can use the Strength Training section to log sets, reps, and weights, but that section does not account for the amount of time or Calories burned.

    Add "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)" to Cardiovascular to get estimated Calories Burned added to your Diary. If desired, add individual strength training exercises, such as "Biceps Curl," to Strength Training to have a log of individual exercises.

    Please see the third article in the list of articles on this topic in the MFP Help pages...

  • smhatcher1637
    smhatcher1637 Posts: 2 Member
    Cybertone thank you!! That was the help I was looking for!