I am so lost and afraid.

mdyoung6309 Posts: 26
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I am so confused about how i continue to make these mistakes. I will start off not doing bad but by the end of the day i have stopped loging in my bad eating habits return and i get depressed because i know i have gone well over my allotted calories. I feel like i am not myself the moment it hits noon because even though i know what i am doing is wrong. I can't seem to control myself. I feel like i am on the outside of my body watching it do as it pleases and i can't do anything but watch. Please help me.


  • BeachLife76
    BeachLife76 Posts: 78 Member
    You are a beautiful lady! You have to love yourself, no matter what your weight! You are worth fighting for!! Stay positive and don't let food control you! Everyone makes mistakes and falls off the wagon at least once. Even if they don't want to admit it. The key is to take responsibility for that mistake and get back on track. You're human, stuff happens! If you need someone to talk to for support or just to vent, feel free to add me :)
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I've absolutely been like this!! I feel silly, but sometimes I literally--out loud--have to tell myself to stop. That helps. So does meditation, and definitely getting the crap out of the house to begin with is super helpful.

    You can do this! You ARE doing this--you realize it's happening, and are reaching out for help - that's huge :)
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    I have done the same thing for years. The thing that has helped me the most (besides avoiding what I know are my trigger foods, drinking TONS of water, and chewing gum like crazy) has been the book "Made to Crave." It really gets into the reasons behind your cravings, and how to redirect them. I still go off the wagon every now and then, but it's nothing like before.

  • alynnbennett
    alynnbennett Posts: 182
    Stay true to yourself and stay focused. You have to do want to make a life style change for yourself and no one else. Just make small goals for yourself and do everything you can to achieve those goals. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! There is no ifs, ands or buts about it!! It's ok to have a bad day just always remember that the next day is a NEW day! Feel free to add me for support!
    Your a beautiful lady and it's time you start seeing that yourself!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    First of all, you are NOT alone! MFP is here for you. Second, don't be afraid. TAKE CHARGE!!!!! I know exactly what you mean when you talk about feeling out of control and watching your body do stuff by itself. YOU need to snatch your hand back from that food or close the fridge door. I'm not kidding. YOU, the one that is looking to lose weight, TAKE CONTROL.

    I know its not easy. Heck, it is downright HARD to stop one's self from eating crap sometimes. Just do it. One day at a time. I truly DO know what I'm talking about. Don't be afraid of the fat girl inside who wants to feed you and keep you fat. She's a conniving witch! She needs to be banished--or at least have her mouth duct taped so she can't talk anymore.

    Sorry I rambled on.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I've been where you are. My "bad" time used to start at 3pm, on the nose. I was fine up until that point.

    Here's what I did: I knew I was vulnerable at 3pm, so I would arrange my schedule so that I was occupied with other things at that time. I would go to the gym, go for a walk, start chewing gum, etc. Anything to get me away from the food. I found that the "bad" time went from 3pm to 4:30pm, so if I could avoid food during that hour and a half time frame, the rest of my day was good. If, however, I gave into temptation between 3pm and 4:30pm, the rest of the day and the whole evening was shot. There was no stopping me putting food into my mouth. I rationalized it by telling myself that "I have already blown my diet for the day, so what the hell. I'll start again tomorrow."

    Hope that helps. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    Good luck :drinker:
  • I've absolutely been like this!! I feel silly, but sometimes I literally--out loud--have to tell myself to stop. That helps. So does meditation, and definitely getting the crap out of the house to begin with is super helpful.

    You can do this! You ARE doing this--you realize it's happening, and are reaching out for help - that's huge :)

    I agree - I have to tell myself to stop too, and as silly as it sounds, it does help. If you can't get the crap out of the house (I can't because my husband eats it), get stuff that is good for you that you love so you have better options.

    You are worth it ... you have to keep telling yourself that, no matter what. All of us stumble and fall, but the key is to get right back up and keep going!! :bigsmile:
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    When I first started I was doing the same way, I stopped one day and I'm like why the heck am I doing this to myself?! You have a goal and every choice you make you want to ask yourself is this taking me farther away or bringing me closer? I have to say that to myself 100 times a day, I know it's easier said than done, but I know you can do it! As far as your eating make sure you are eating small meals throughout the day to prevent binging. Before I started MFP I usually didn't eat till 4 or 5 in the afternoon and then I would binge on 2000 calories probably in a span of a few hours, but I trained my body to crave to eat every few hours and that has helped ward off temptation. You deserve to live your life healthy & happy you are worth it. Take it one day at a time. If you screw up today get back on the horse tomorrow, the key is to not give up no matter how bad you may screw up from time to time, YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • Just as others have said, you are DEFINITELY not alone! Have you ever heard of the book Made to Crave?? It totally changed my life by changing my perspective.... of myself, my eating habits, and my purpose. Here's the book on Amazon:


    You can also sign up to get FREE devotionals from the Made to Crave website...they're basically summarized versions of the chapters in the book. Seriously POWERFUL. It's only becuase of this book that I finally feel like I have the willpower to stick to a healthy eating plan.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    IMO the psychological struggle can be as hard as the physical struggle. For the psychological you may need to seek professional help, the physical could be carb addiction, you might do well on a low carb type diet. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I sooo get it
    I have been on a 3 mnth...yes I said MONTH....binge of eating, not logging cals and not stepping on the scale
    everyday I wake up saying I am going to get back on track
    i wish I had the magic answer for you, but just wanted ot let you know that u are not alone and we are struggle
    BUT I know we are strong enough and matter enough to take better care of ourselves!
  • spr_chkn
    spr_chkn Posts: 48
    You can do this! feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • fiat
    fiat Posts: 17
    I am so confused about how i continue to make these mistakes. I will start off not doing bad but by the end of the day i have stopped loging in my bad eating habits return and i get depressed because i know i have gone well over my allotted calories. I feel like i am not myself the moment it hits noon because even though i know what i am doing is wrong. I can't seem to control myself. I feel like i am on the outside of my body watching it do as it pleases and i can't do anything but watch. Please help me.
    maybe just try to get one more hour in befor you loose it, thats what i'm going to try today. if noon is when it all falls apart jst tell yourself to make it to 1 oclock. if you can up the hours little by little you should theoretically be eating less each time,,, anyway thts just a thought... i fall apart at around 6pm and wreck all my good work all day. i'm going to try and be good just a bit longer each day and ease myself into some sort of 'normalcy'. good luck!
  • Kytana
    Kytana Posts: 63
    The first thing I've noticed is that you've lost 19 pounds - that's a great step in getting closer to your goal!

    Those moments of weakness, they're going to come. One of the best things about this site is that there's an accountability with entering in your food/exercise, and seeing it in black and white. (Me personally, I always knew I was bad when it came to sugar, but knowing it inside really didn't force me to examine the habit and change it. Documenting it here - and some days, I really cringe about typing in my consumption - makes such a big difference in stepping up and actively monitoring what I'm doing.)

    Make a commitment to yourself to document - even if there are days where you've slipped. You deserve nothing less when you've set this goal for yourself. Who knows - you may find a correlation between your 'bad food days' and other factors in your life, which will only help you make healthy changes in the long run.

    Even when we feel like we have no control, we really do. You are stronger than anything Entemann's can stock their shelves with. It's not easy, and it's not instant; it's just one step at a time.

    If you're looking for more friends/support, feel free to add me.

  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I have done the same thing for years. The thing that has helped me the most (besides avoiding what I know are my trigger foods, drinking TONS of water, and chewing gum like crazy) has been the book "Made to Crave." It really gets into the reasons behind your cravings, and how to redirect them. I still go off the wagon every now and then, but it's nothing like before.


    I agree that it's important to understand why we crave. There are physiological reasons - it's not because you are weak. Your brain responds to what you put in it. Eating unhealthy foods (sugar) messes with your metabolism and makes you crave more. Try to eat healthy (no sugar) and watch your cravings virtually disappear. Good luck to you.
  • I just want to say you are normal as we all are. We all deal with stinking thinking. We are working hard at reaching our goals
    and sometimes we have a small set back. Just remember you have lost weight and you are going to continue :) ; Don't sweat the small stuff. Their is a familier passage I use to remind me to stay in the right frame of mind and it is:

    Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” God did create you to succed "you are a winner"
  • kezereth
    kezereth Posts: 41
    ... and yet you must be doing something right because you have lost 19 pounds! try and think of the postive things here.

    I have suffered from depression amongst other things for the past 13 years of my life so i can kind of see where you are coming from here. You have to hold on to the fact that you are capable of doing anything. You can be anything that you want to be in this life. Too quote the film 'trainspotting' you first have to 'choose life!' in the first place.

    take care and be kind to yourself x
  • Congrats on your success so far! You are doing GREAT! I had the exact same feeling at one time. I learned to overcome it by pre planning everything I was going to eat for the week. I tried to follow my plan exactly how it was laid out. I would give myself one slip up day a week and this gave me some flexibility in case something popped up. It really eased my anxiety about food and after a couple of months it just became so natural for me. It was almost as if I had retrained my brain and body about food. Now it's second nature and I feel in control now. And don't be afraid! You can do this!! Keep coming here and take the great advice and support people have to offer!

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
  • mrscone
    mrscone Posts: 17
    What everyone else has said. I know you had a hard time and I saw you bounce back so I KNOW you are very capable of this. Don't try to make too many big changes at once. Small changes for big differences. I have read parts of the book others have recommended (Made to Crave) and would definitely suggest you look into it. Also another one that I have is called The Small Change diet. It's about making those small changes that make the big differences overall.

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