I've fallen off the wagon and need to get back on track

I was doing great and even got to my goal weight briefly and ran my first 5K....then I even signed up for another one to keep me motivated to exercise. Then Easter candy and deviled eggs came and I sabotaged myself...next thing I know, I've gained back 3 pounds. I want to lose the weight again but it's so hard for me to restrict my calories sometimes when I have a craving. I have another 5K this weekend that I'm not prepared for, so even having that goal didn't keep me exercising as much as I should've. If I did it before, I can do it again, but it's just hard to stay motivated....I was hoping to maintain my weight, but instead I gained some back. I just need encouragement to help me get back on the wagon.


  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    Geez, I could have written this exact thing myself!!! Well, except for the 5K parts, not anywhere close to being able to run a 5K.

    I too have fallen off the wagon and have gained 3 pounds back too after going like gangbusters and seeing some great results.

    Ok people, we need some motivation and support!!!!

    Can you help some fellow MFP'ers?
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    Well, you ladies have done so well so far and keeping to a strict diet is super hard. I have tried to diet and loose weight many times and always got of track. This time; however, for me the diet is starting to become a life style. If I am craving something I have a small portion of it right away so I don't pig out later and I might just push a little harder at the gym that day to burn off those extra calories.

    I think you both should just find ways to indulge once in a while as treat for yourself is you are craving something, my weakness is chocolate milkshakes :-). You are both doing great!!! I don't know if anything I said will help motivate you, but hopefully something will.

    Hope you both have wonderful rests of your week!!
  • solhai
    solhai Posts: 5 Member
    I wouldn't say 3 pounds is off the wagon! Don't sweat it. In fact the body can sway between a pound to a pound and a half on a daily basis simply from our eating and regular activities.

    Holidays are the perfect time for treats, they're more enjoyable as they should be as special times and if we really keep these moments for as often as holidays are then we can not feel guilty and not stress about something that's a gift to happiness.

    The one thing that can happen is feeling the sugar withdraw if enough bacteria builds up inside that craves sugar. Include beans, maybe a little dark chocolate treat if it gets bad, and other slow releasing sugars (besides fruits) to curb the craving.

    It's been two weeks since Easter, warm up as best you can for your run and go to it anyway. I use to run all the time and it was so freeing - there's that euphoric plateau that happens just while running so keep that in mind to drive you to do it again. Running feels great and even if you don't feel 'ready' I'm sure you are and going through goals through a small slip up is part of making it through and building the life style we want to maintain well into our golden years. If you have to not push yourself like before, then fine, just complete it.