Need friends who have failed before but are back again

Hi! I was a member of MFP back in 2012. I lost 60 lbs but I have gained most of it back since then. I am ready to start anew and I am looking for friends who are over 50 and have a great sense of humor. Thank you!


  • I feel we like we could get along real well I'm in the same boat have been now for quite some time now I'm only 31 but a mother of 5 plus 2 step kiddies
  • MinnesotaNice507
    MinnesotaNice507 Posts: 60 Member
    Feel free to add me. Will be 40 in May and this is my second go at MFP
  • littlebitlit
    littlebitlit Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 39 and have regained 36 lbs which I'm trying very hard to lose again.
  • Feel free to add me as well, I'm 17 and had lost 35 lbs this past summer for the Navy, and I had put some of it back on, and now I'm currently in the process of losing it again!
  • DeeNyceRN
    DeeNyceRN Posts: 104 Member
    Hello and WELCOME back to MFP! I lost 40 lbs two years ago. I went to visit a friend in California, went off my eating plan and gained back 30#. BUT! I am BACK and determined to stay on track. We all need to supportand inspire each other!