
I'm following a very strict low carb no sugar diet and sticking to 1200 calories a day. I've been doing great with it, no cheating and I lost 12lbs. I am a bit constipated, but not too bad. I stepped on the scale to see I've gone up 5lbs :'(
I'm unable to exercise. I do teach figure/ice skating so I'm moving everyday. Could I be constipated enough to be up 5lbs?


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Why are you unable to exercise? Also, why low carb? Unless you have a medical condition, it is unneeded.
  • I need to have surgery on my foot and ankle. Needless to say by the time I get my skates off I'm in terrible pain, but it's my only job for right now. If I do anything before skating then my foot is too swollen and sore to fit in my skate then after I skate I'm in too much pain to do anything. But while I'm at the rink I'm moving. Yesterday I taught for 4hrs and burned over 3000 calories.
    Low carb is what works for me. If I even look at a slice of bread the weight piles on and makes me feel like a slug. I've followed low carb before losing 55lbs, but I don't remember the constipation being an issue. I'm allergic to fruit so there's no loss there not eating it.
  • scale90
    scale90 Posts: 6 Member
    Water, electrolytes and dark green veggies.

    If you really are feeling crappy, and it goes on for a while, there's no issue in using a laxative (but don't overuse them!!)
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    Your body can hold onto water and is probably the source of the weight gain. You should be drinking a lot of water (I know it seems counter-intuitive) -- hydration will help with your constipation and also help release water you've been holding on to. A swollen body part contains a lot of fluid and although your ankle alone may not have 5 pounds of fluid in it, your body is holding onto water in cells to help fix what is broken.

    You may also want to analyze how many calories you're really burning and consuming. 3000 teaching skating seems pretty high. I could run for 4 hours straight and not burn 3000 calories.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    How's your fat and water intake?
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I take 400 mg of magnesium citrate tablets a day and lots of water throughout the day.
    I also drink 4 ounces of prune juice a day (but you're allergic).
    I also eat lots of broccoli and other greens.
    Psyllium whole husks really helps too but always drink lots of water when you're upping your fiber intake!
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Before going for a medical laxative, I suggest eating some prunes or dried apricots. They have the same effect.....

    You could try swimming as exercise. It's non-weight bearing.
  • JoKessho
    JoKessho Posts: 108 Member
    I also do keto and I reiterate the water comments from above and add that you might need more fibre.
    Personally, I eat a "keto porridge" every other day (10 g psyllium, 10 g ground flax seed, 10 g chia seeds, cinnamon, stevia, salt, and 2 dl organic soy milk = ~3 g net carbs and ~15 g fibre)
  • itstimeRK
    itstimeRK Posts: 112 Member
    Are you getting 25g of fiber everyday?
    It's usually as simple as that.
  • rhinoviradae
    rhinoviradae Posts: 1 Member
    Are you taking some pain medication for your ankle? These can cause constipation with extended use, especially if it's something stronger than plain paracetamol.
    Regardless, go and see your doctor about controlling your pain and look into the not-pooping properly thing.
    Fix the constipation before worrying about your weight. There is no use following a diet if it's making your unwell.
  • Before going for a medical laxative, I suggest eating some prunes or dried apricots. They have the same effect.....

    You could try swimming as exercise. It's non-weight bearing.

    I'm allergic to fruit and don't know how to swim
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    You are allergic to all fruit? I find that highly unlikely.
  • NikkyT30
    NikkyT30 Posts: 91 Member
    Everyone has good advice here. I agree that water might be the issue. I too am allergic to most fruits so I pile on veggies and make sure I get plenty of water.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    twins2x2 wrote: »
    Before going for a medical laxative, I suggest eating some prunes or dried apricots. They have the same effect.....

    You could try swimming as exercise. It's non-weight bearing.

    I'm allergic to fruit and don't know how to swim


    You could try some adult swimming lessons. It's a useful life skill anyway.

    Out of interest, why are you allergic to fruit? Is it all fruit, or just some? I had a friend who was allergic to strawberries, but he could eat other fruit.
  • elphie754 wrote: »
    You are allergic to all fruit? I find that highly unlikely.

    Sure, let me lie to a room full of strangers for what benefit? Citrus fruits give UTI symptoms, apples, pears and the like cause severe dumping issues. Strawberries and kiwis cause anaphylaxis. And bananas give me such bad heartburn I feel like I'm having a heart attack.
    But I'm lying......
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    twins2x2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    You are allergic to all fruit? I find that highly unlikely.

    Sure, let me lie to a room full of strangers for what benefit? Citrus fruits give UTI symptoms, apples, pears and the like cause severe dumping issues. Strawberries and kiwis cause anaphylaxis. And bananas give me such bad heartburn I feel like I'm having a heart attack.
    But I'm lying......

    The only allergy there is strawberries and kiwis. The other symptoms are not allergies.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited February 2015
    twins2x2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    You are allergic to all fruit? I find that highly unlikely.

    Sure, let me lie to a room full of strangers for what benefit? Citrus fruits give UTI symptoms, apples, pears and the like cause severe dumping issues. Strawberries and kiwis cause anaphylaxis. And bananas give me such bad heartburn I feel like I'm having a heart attack.
    But I'm lying......

    I also get UTI issues sometimes with citrus.

    By 'major dumping issues' do you mean it gives you diarrhea? If so, you could eat an apple to ease the constipation?

    ETA water is a good plan.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited February 2015
    twins2x2 wrote: »
    Before going for a medical laxative, I suggest eating some prunes or dried apricots. They have the same effect.....

    You could try swimming as exercise. It's non-weight bearing.

    I'm allergic to fruit and don't know how to swim

    My solution is a big handful of nuts, especially almonds. Moves things right along for me.

    To prevent constipation, you need plenty of the 3 "F"'s: Fat, Fiber, and Fluids. Women need at least 25 g of fiber daily, men need closer to 35,

    Regarding the exercise, there is a lot you can do in a pool without knowing how to swim. Many just walk or jog back and forth, the buoyancy of the water helps the joints tremendously. You can also wear a flotation belt and go in deeper water and do movements like running, jumping jacks, etc. with no impact on the joints at all. There are many water aerobics classes that are low impact too and you don't need to know how to swim.

    ETA: I have bad arthritis in one foot and I also sprained the other ankle back in December. Doing things in water have really helped. I take an aerobics class.

  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited February 2015
    elphie754 wrote: »
    twins2x2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    You are allergic to all fruit? I find that highly unlikely.

    Sure, let me lie to a room full of strangers for what benefit? Citrus fruits give UTI symptoms, apples, pears and the like cause severe dumping issues. Strawberries and kiwis cause anaphylaxis. And bananas give me such bad heartburn I feel like I'm having a heart attack.
    But I'm lying......

    The only allergy there is strawberries and kiwis. The other symptoms are not allergies.

    Yes strictly speaking the only allergies there are strawbs and kiwis, but the other reasons are also good reasons to avoid fruit on general principle, so the result is the same whether you call it an allergy or not.

    It's easier to say allergy than to be forced to say to strangers exactly what it does to you. I, for example, do not like to describe in graphic detail what happens when I am in a room with goat milk or cheese, but unless I say I am allergic, people pry and demand an explanation or think it's me being prissy about a food I don't like. In reality even the smell causes violent vomiting.

    ETA That said, if you have constipation, and a food you know causes diarrhea, it makes sense to me to try eating the diarrhea food to ease the constipation, assuming that the diarrhea food does not cause any other symptoms.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I have had similar issues and for me, it's not eating enough fat. Sometimes adding a couple of strips of bacon, either with breakfast, or on a salad helps. My doctor recommended chia seeds, which has helped a lot. I sprinkle them in yogurt, or mix them with peanut butter which I put on a high fiber English muffin. I also bought some almond butter that has chia seeds in it. I must admit, OP, that 5 lbs. as a result of constipation is not unusual. I can be 2-3 lbs. heavier on days when I don't "go." You might consider adding modest amounts of healthy grains back into your diet. Eating a high fiber Eng. muffin for example is only 100 calories. I'll often have that for breakfast with the almond butter and chia. One piece of high fiber bread or a small bowl of high fiber cereal or oatmeal is not going to add a whole pound if it fits into your calorie limits, but constipation is uncomfortable and will add pounds and bloat you.

    Regarding exercise, you could take up upper body lifting with hand weights or do yoga or pilates. These would tone you upper body without hurting your foot. I had a foot injury several years ago but still kept up my upper body work.