Any other 3rd shift people out there??

ive been working 3rd shift for over a year now so my schedule is all over the place. I have to fit in sleep when I can...and that's in between doing house stuff and running the kids to practices. I don't eat much since I'm either sleeping or working but I just don't have the motivation to go to the gym when I need that time to sleep! Any advice?!


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there,
    I can't say that I'm overly sure what 3rd shift is but I know how it can feel to work some pretty unsociable hours. Sometimes we just need to look at how well we're doing just by reaching for that healthier lifestyle, that might help motivate you just enough to push yourself to the gym when your motivation is running low!

    Giving 110% will get you 110% back in return, you got this!!!!

    All the best,
  • nsonon
    nsonon Posts: 3
    I work 11pm to 7am. My only time to sleep is while my kids are at 830-3. I leave for work by 930pm. Add in there sports practices, dinner,'s hard for me to stay motivated. Because when I do have a break all I want to do is sleep! I just started doing Zumba so I'm going to try sticking with that for now as best as I can.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    nsonon wrote: »
    I work 11pm to 7am. My only time to sleep is while my kids are at 830-3. I leave for work by 930pm. Add in there sports practices, dinner,'s hard for me to stay motivated. Because when I do have a break all I want to do is sleep! I just started doing Zumba so I'm going to try sticking with that for now as best as I can.

    11pm - 7am is my usual shift too!
    It can be hard to fit life around it sometimes right? It sounds like you're doing awesome al the same!!

    Finding the motivation can be a little tough sometimes but if you dig deep enough, it's always there!! You got this!

  • nsonon
    nsonon Posts: 3
    I always feel like I'm finding an excuse why I can't do it. My job has me working 6-7 days a week...some times with 12 hr shifts in there. Finding time to be a mom and a wife is hard enough. Trying to do that with that schedule and attempt to be healthy seems impossible to me.
  • 505n8v
    505n8v Posts: 20 Member
    Though I don't have children, I work 2am -10am. Prepping food is a must to help with portion control. Having ready to eat fruits and veggies. I joined a gym that's on my way home so I have no excuse not to go. Ugh, lol...just getting at least 30 minutes a day helps. Parking far from the grocery store or mall or taking stairs more often. Every little bit helps.
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I either do the 6-2 shift or the 2-10 shift. Nowhere near as hard as your shift but I can sympathise with you about the wife, kids, work etc thingie
    Three sporty kids, work and a husband that works away
    I try to go to the gym on my way to work or on my way home
  • Rsmiley07
    Rsmiley07 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a mother of 2 (2 yr old and 6 yr old) on 3rd shift 11p to 7 am
    And I'm all over the place! This lady year I have gained 30-35 but the winter is the worst time to Motivate me!

    I bought a Fitbit to see how many steps I was taking a day and it was all bad news.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    I work 0230-1030. I train 1130-1330ish, in bed around 1830. I have an 8 month old boy. I'm able to get things done because of a supportive wife.
  • I work either 8pm -8am, 12pm -12am, or 7am-5pm with a 3 hour commute one way. I also struggle with finding time to exercise as my work days easily turn into 20 hour days on the 3 consecutive days that I work.
    After careful planning, this coming week I am joining a 24 hour fitness center next door to the hospital that I work at and will leave an hour earlier than normally on the 1st night of my rotation to do my workout and then do my next workout on the morning after I work my 3rd night. Then I shouldn't have any problem working in a couple more workouts through the 4 days that I am off.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I work rotating shifts of days, evenings and midnights - and it can add an extra challenge to eating well and exercising, specially coming off my last night shift and turnaround.. but everyone has their own challenges on here and it can be done once you figure out what works for you - took me a while to figure out the planning and flexibility I needed to make it happen. There's a few groups on here for 3rd shift and general shift work peeps as well, you may find some useful tips within them; i'll see if I can find a few links for ya :D
  • wesley58
    wesley58 Posts: 129 Member
    The most important is to get enough sleep, as far as the workouts, I think your busy enough. A brisk walk is the best workout there is as far as I am concerned. Try to eat as healthy as possible and make sure your getting enough sleep, those are the main things you need to keep up with your demanding life. Good Luck
  • Rizjis
    Rizjis Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a shift worker, so I go to days and nights and back. Packing my food for work helps keep me away from poor choices. I have a big cooler!
  • I work 7- 7.30 12.5 hr shifts either day or night, both can be in the same week. Day followed by night followed by day, 2 days 1 night, night on night off night on etc combinations vary, only work 3 shift a week, any of the 7. Motivation can be hard for exercise some weeks depending on the combination. Go to the gym when l can or feel motivated. Tend to pick at food, Sleep according to fitbit l average 3- 6 hrs good sleep at a time. No wonder l feel so tired. Luckily children are old enough to sort themselves out. No change in weight for ages now, want to lose 5-10lb more. Lost 20 lb so far.