Daily calorie goal too low

I admit, I am simply trying to lose the last 12 or so vanity pounds of baby weight from my last pregnancy. Given my height (5'0") and weight (122lbs), I already know that I require far fewer calories than the average-sized woman. MFP states in their FAQ section that they do not recommend women consuming under 1200 calories per day. However, when I set my goal to lose 1lb per week, MFP sets my daily calorie goal at 1,160. This is low, but for me, not unreasonable and I am never hungry provided my calories are mainly from whole foods. If I change my weight loss goals to 2 lbs per week, my daily calorie limit plumits to 640! I know this is clearly too few calories, so why is MFP even allowing this low number? Has anyone else experienced MFP setting a ridiculously low calorie intake limit?


  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    it's a glitch in the system, and a lot of people are experiencing this lately. it should not suggest anything under 1200. you can input your own calorie goals, so don't even think twice about this.
  • chelz82636
    Good to know, they set mine at 700 and man one good dinner serving and I reached my limit its crazy
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Yes they have been having problems with the system giving really low calories lately. Since you really are a small woman the 1160 does sound reasonable. Know what a healthy rate of loss is, 2 pounds is healthy for very obease people because they have alot more room to create a deficit. Since you only have 12 lbs to lose one lb a week is really the max of what you should shoot for, if you feel like you are struggling back it off to .5lbs.

    ~Best wishes
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    With 12lb to lose, you should be trying to lose 0.5lb per week