T25 for a beginner?

For those of you who have done or are doing T25...is it appropriate for a beginner? I currently walk, jog and swim, but don't lift or do any sort of strength training or resistance exercise and I want to start. Would this be a good program or do you have other suggestions?


  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    YES! starting weight 266lbs, on week 9, current weight 245. It is great for beginners. Just do the modified if you need to. You will feel like dying but keep going, it gets easier and thus you push yourself harder. Awesome workout! and amazing results for me personally.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Focus T-25 is a great workout program even for those who are new to working out. Start out slow at your own pace and follow the modifier until you get more comfortable with the moves.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    Its tough but I'd recommend it for a beginner, you may have to take quick breaks like i have had, but you finish exhausted and feeling you have done a good workout
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    YES! starting weight 266lbs, on week 9, current weight 245. It is great for beginners. Just do the modified if you need to. You will feel like dying but keep going, it gets easier and thus you push yourself harder. Awesome workout! and amazing results for me personally.

    Great progress
  • HamptonsGuy
    HamptonsGuy Posts: 72 Member
    Absolutely. It has a modify section so if you can't do the main program there is a way to tone it down until you. Beach body products are very good and I'm doing a round of T25 now. Actually I just finished my first week and already feel a difference and I'm very much looking forward to next week! T25 + myfitnesspal = success!
  • mulch1999
    mulch1999 Posts: 30 Member
    It's my religion! Okay for a beginner even if not into weights. I agree. Modify when you need to. Go at your own pace. Eventually you will be able to do everything they do and at their pace. I now alternate between beta and gamma ( which uses Dumbbells or bands). It is the best workout for your core, which we all neglect. After a while you will feel a stronger core with more agility, flexibility, strength, and spring. Go for it.
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks so much for the input! I'm off to order.....