looking to lose 85 pounds...need buddies!



  • sanjueswaran
    sanjueswaran Posts: 2 Member
  • MadtownMadisonian
    MadtownMadisonian Posts: 66 Member
    wow! so many of us! sure - add me if you like. 56 years old. HW 272. CW 228.8 and GW 135-145 so I am right there with you on the "80+ to lose" wagon. This is my second time with MFP. Last time it got me from 272 to 215 but then I backslid all the way to 262 over the course of a few years. This time will be different.

    I log on my phone during the day as I eat, so as someone else commented, I find myself looking at sweets or meats and thinking "I don't want that food as much as I want to have calories later for my proper meal," which makes it a lot easier. Somehow it is no longer "I want to eat that but I can't" and it is "I want to meet my calorie goals." Somehow the change in attitude is helping.

    A number of years ago I quit smoking, after many attempts, with the same kind of change of attitude. Over and over it had been "I want to smoke but I won't let myself" and each day was an exercise in denial. At some point, it is hard to keep up the discipline. This last time it was "I feel liberated and am loving being a nonsmoker." So when I got cravings for nicotine, I didn't feel irritated I couldn't smoke, but instead I felt irritated that I had to deal with these stupid cravings. It focused me on resenting the right thing and that was the time I quit for good. Am hoping something like that is happening this time with food.

    On a more practical note: I now eat mounds and mounds of vegetables and salads, so that I feel full even with much smaller portions of proteins - 4 and 6 ounces at a sitting rather than 8 and 10. And I set a realistic daily goal -- in my case 1300 or 1340 depending on my mood that week -- so that I can develop a sustainable diet plus have the pleasure of more often than not eating less than my allotment. It is so demoralizing to keep missing your goal, which can happen if you set it too low.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I find myself looking at sweets or meats and thinking "I don't want that food as much as I want to have calories later for my proper meal," which makes it a lot easier. Somehow it is no longer "I want to eat that but I can't" and it is "I want to meet my calorie goals." Somehow the change in attitude is helping.

    I do something similar. Rather than thinking "must avoid carbs," I use MFP's default protein & fiber goals as minimums and ignore carbs & fats.

    I eat "healthy" 80% of the time, and fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into my calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    I've got about 95 total I am going to lose.
    (I am 49 - and yes, it's harder now!)
  • triciahonzell
    triciahonzell Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free, everyone, to add me. I would like motivating friends as well!
  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am 220 as of today :) down 16 pounds.
    I am 34 and have 3 kids under 3
    I put a lot of weight on being pregnant for almost 2 years but it's time to change it!
    Please add me, I would love to lose 85 more pounds.
  • thefitzner
    thefitzner Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in the same boat, please add me! Anyone else in this thread is welcome to add me as well!
  • stevesgirl824
    stevesgirl824 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm with you. I'm 34, have 3 kids, and about 70 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • sliverqueen
    sliverqueen Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 37, with 2 kids. Currently at 224.6. Looking to hit 165. Friend request sent!
  • Hello to all! Happy Sunday. 100% agree with 9voice9... ONE DAY AT A TIME!
    We can do it, let's not beat ourselves up for the little slips ups.

    Today made homemade Chicken corn soup, a hardy meal and healthy with no salt, lots of carrots celery and chicken. Yumm. A step closer to eating better :)

    HW: 280, CW: 265
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I'm not familiar with those conditions, but I do understand what it is like to need to lose weight for health and wellness. I've lost almost 180 lbs. I'm pretty damn proud of it and what I learned along the way. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Awesome Mishy...what keeps you going? I am just starting and have more than 100 to go to be healthy
  • Hi all I didnt even know apps like this existed until tonight. I am diabetic, an ex truck driver, I have neuropathy, need to loose at least 100lbs more like 125, but I cant find the motivation and will power to do it again. I'm 40, I've been down to 180lbs (like 5yrs ago) after my divorce, but remarried and we LOVE food. I know what I should be doing.... Looking for friendship, encouragement, tips..... Please add me
  • I am new too, same goal 100+. Time to listen to body. Love all the wrong foods. My planis little steps. I joined Curves and am reducing portion size. Hit my first goal of first 5 lbs. Friend me if you like
  • Rizjis
    Rizjis Posts: 16 Member
    I log daily, and occationally blog and add updates. I'm always looking for MFP friends to cheer on!
  • mommyvalarie
    mommyvalarie Posts: 13 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Hey Valarie (and anyone else): How's the week been? Any results - good or bad? Did you keep your diary current? That's an excellent first step....
    - I've been doing really well. For the last 12 days I've been under my calorie goal, logged in, and worked out a at least every other day. Lots of sore, enough rabbit food that my nose is twitching, and I slipped and had a cup of coffee this morning, but at least I skipped the biscotti
    Took my kids on a field trip to a candy factory and skipped the samples!
  • hmthomas317
    hmthomas317 Posts: 42 Member
    New to mfp and looking for motivation buddies too. I have 75lbs to lose. I think that the motivation and guidance this app has is great. Feel free to add me too for support. I could use it too.
  • mommyvalarie
    mommyvalarie Posts: 13 Member
    I also discovered that when going out with friends, if you announce your intentions (eat a salad, skip dessert, whatever) you will be far more likely to stick to your goal, and your friends will support you (if they don't you need new friends)
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, please feel free to add me. I am 60 and have been overweight all my life. I have 100 pounds to lose and this isn't my first time on fitness pal either. Arthritis along with my age makes it difficult but I want to become as healthy as I can. Partners are a great motivation for me! We CAN do this together!
  • linzee32
    linzee32 Posts: 86 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    If you're okay with a guy buddy, I'll come alongside. Started several years ago with that same disgust when I was at 260#. Spent a couple years getting down to 204#, and then started back with the unhealthy habits. In October, I started with a FitBit at 228#. Since then, I'm down to 191#, on my way to 174, so still about 16 pounds to go. MFP has been a huge help. BTW, I'm 51, so it's possible.

    Take it one day at a time, and set your calorie budget conservatively at first. Think of your food choices as spending those calories, and you'll soon start deciding that that dessert (or extra helping of whatever) isn't worth the calories it costs. I still eat my sweets, but I budget for them.

    And when you fall down, remember that it's okay. You just have to get up one more time than you fall down.

    This is my method as well, calories are dollars to me. I'm cheap so if it costs too many calories I won't "buy" it.