
hi guys just wondering if anyone on here meal replaces with veg/fruit smoothies and juices? :)


  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Why would I do that when I can have real food?
  • robyngrant739
    robyngrant739 Posts: 32 Member
    I've just got a nutribullet so that's the reason I'm asking!! It's real food in the juices obviously and healthy snacks inbetween.
  • PoisonIvy088
    Personally I'd rather chew my food. I've read that the simple action of chewing your food contributes in up to 40% to feeling satiated. (Or satisfied). For me that rings true. If I drink my meals, I'm hungry again half an hour later.
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    I'm not big on the meal replacement thing myself, I'll add a shake here and there for extra food, but not really as a replacement. I think the biggest thing is making sure you receive adequate nutrition.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited February 2015
    If you like juice fine but it's hardly a filling meal is it?

    personally I prefer making my veg into stews and eating them with rice and cheese, or soups with crusty bread .. and my fruit I like to dip in dark chocolate

    but if you enjoy your juice .. great

    What I did do is replace unconscious grab it convenience meals with thought-through calorie controlled meals .. I found that helped
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I eat my meals instead of drink them. I have a vitamix that I like to make use of as well, so I will incorporate a good veggie and fruit juice into my day sometimes. It does help me with getting my fruit and veggie intake in.

    Is there a reason you want to replace your meals with juices? other than the fact you just got a nutribullet? Why not make the juice your snack in between your meals or add it to a daily meal or morning breakfast.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Meal replacement? No for a snack or in a rush yes. Also if people have hard times eating lots of fruits and veggies why not shred them into a smoothie to get some of the micro nutrients. Im not too sure if you get the whole benefits juicing.
  • terricherry2
    terricherry2 Posts: 222 Member
    I sometimes have a smoothie for breakfast if I need it to go, but other than that I wouldn't replace any meals. If I can get the same nutrients in proper food I'd rather chew it. I have got something similar to a nutribullet that I use to make soups in the winter. I always put something solid with it though, maybe some chicken or a poached egg on top.
  • robyngrant739
    robyngrant739 Posts: 32 Member
    It's the first day I've used it and has helped with fruit and veg intake. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Had juices for breakfast and lunch few healthy snacks inbetween and will have a meal tonight :)
  • absentgardener
    I, too, have a nutribullet and I have used it for breakfasts for several weeks now. It is a great way to get lots of fruit and veggies in every day as it does not juice but instead grinds everything into a shake. I just had my spinach, banana, mango, pineapple and hemp seed shake this morning.
  • robyngrant739
    robyngrant739 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm going to try it for a few days then if not will probably stick to it for breakfasts
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    I dont see the point, as has been said why use up - say 300 calories on a "drink" when you could make a nice sandwich, or have a lovely soup (yeah I know - liquid but still), or some pasta and tomato sauce...You get the point I'm making.

    Having said that if I was in a hurry in the morning and needed a good calorie hit to last me for a few hours then fine, but apart from that nahh :-)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I rather chew my veggies and fruit, instead sucking it through a straw.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Meal replacement? No for a snack or in a rush yes. Also if people have hard times eating lots of fruits and veggies why not shred them into a smoothie to get some of the micro nutrients. Im not too sure if you get the whole benefits juicing.
    With a nutribullet it is all blended together. It really isn't juicing. Just like my vitamix. I just toss all the whole fruits and veggies in and it processes it to juice consistency.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    My fiance and I juice - but it's for a snack/to get more veggies in (especially for him, because although I eat my veggies, he rarely does). I DO however use a meal replacement/protein shake at the moment and unlike a lot of people, I enjoy it. It ends up being a chocolate/banana milkshake that sort of lets me feel like I am having a dessert. However it is made with VegaOne protein powder (which has protein/carbs/fats and 1/2 days worth of veggies), a banana, and almond milk. I usually do it for breakfast but lately I have been having it for lunch.
  • robyngrant739
    robyngrant739 Posts: 32 Member
    A sandwich would be good but I cut bread out when trying to lose a few pounds haha
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I prefer to eat/chew solid food.

    Juicers remove fiber, fiber is good.

    Smoothies are yummy but not any better for you. In fact, you are likely to absorb more calories from a smoothie than from solid food.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Smoothies are yummy but not any better for you. In fact, you are likely to absorb more calories from a smoothie than from solid food.

    ...How? Where do the extra calories come from?
  • robyngrant739
    robyngrant739 Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah Sorry that's what I meant more like smoothies but made with water not milk
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I prefer to eat/chew solid food.

    Juicers remove fiber, fiber is good.

    Smoothies are yummy but not any better for you. In fact, you are likely to absorb more calories from a smoothie than from solid food.
