need help!!!

Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
I run a daycare. One of the brought special k bars for her birthday. They are pre cute into small piece. So i really want one. But i know its really bad. Im going to do my w1d2 of C25k. So what should i do...


  • amylynn9
    amylynn9 Posts: 40
    It's a Special K bar, not a big chocolate filled cream cupcake.
    Enjoy it.
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    Personally, I would have to say that a bite of a Special K bar is MUCH better than cake or cupcake. But you have to do what will make you feel best. Can you take a bite and leave it at that? Will you beat yourself up if you eat it? I don't deprive myself of special "treats" when I really want it...but you can't eat it and then be upset with yourself about it.

    If you have another option around the day care, that is a better option for you, pass on the Special K bar and munch on that.