Supportive or not.



  • McCarthy6
    McCarthy6 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with the previous posts. Changing your lifestyle is a huge and at times seemingly impossible task. If you add a partner that is not "in it to win it" with you...not good. Wishing you the very best of luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Put it to him this way...if he really loves you, he'd support you. I know that's totally passive agressive and evil but, hey, sometimes that's what it takes!

    First, he should want you to be more healthy so you can be there for him and the kids as you all grow together (not to mention, he should want that for himself) and you'll be able to romp around with them, etc. Second, you two should be good role models to your kids so they also grow up healthy and happy.

    Try to involve him as much as you can with the changes. I have never made a separate meal for myself but told my husband from the start that I would make meals that I knew we'd both enjoy but tweak them to be more healthy. And the only time he's complained was when they were truly awful (seriously, fat free cheese is disgusting!) Before my hubby started watching his calorie intake about a month ago, he'd still get all the junk he wanted to eat while he was on the road at work...

    It does sount like there's more going on between the two of you but maybe this all will start a dialogue and you can figure out how to fix it or how to move on with your separate lives... Good luck either way!
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    It is hard to live seperate lifestyles in a marraige when it comes to health

    Quote of the day goes to you. There is SO much truth to that.

    yep, my ex was not suppportive, he told me he didn't care what I looked like, but when I tried to lose weight would ***** I was punishing him, and then at the end complained I was fat(one of many reasons he is an ex)
  • virgo1978
    virgo1978 Posts: 73 Member
    Well said Atlantique. There are so many huge hurdles in life to deal with as partners, as teammates. Weight loss and healthy a life style shouldn't cause such stress in a relationship. It should be a joint effort (as it's much easier that way). SO's should be supportive of one another. :)
  • creamnshugar
    creamnshugar Posts: 7 Member
    i have tried to make healthy changes at our home and he mostly just sticks his nose up at them. He wont weigh himself because he is afraid of what it will say. His health is more at risk with his weight than mine is and i am worried about both of our weight. He isnt obviously if he complains about it and doesnt do anything. He is insecure in other aspects of our relationship too. I am not sure what is to come with us but i do know it would be great to have a supportive bf who is on the same page with me when it comes to love, life, religion and health. We will see. thanks for all of your responses!!!