If you doing your fitness regime and gaining weight its stil

Keep in mind, when you are gaining weight while you are exercising hard and eating good you are replacing your fat into muscle. Rule of thumb-muscle is always heavier than fat ALWAYS. So don't get down on your self. Keep eating good so your body won't hang on those fats. When you skips meals your body tends to not let go of fat and stores more fat for in your inventory; second, when you eat right your body is getting enough foods and tends to let the fat go immediately out your body thus losing weight faster.


  • roberbro
    roberbro Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks...I already knew what you said, but I needed to be reminded of it again today. I added light weights to my workouts a couple weeks back and the weight loss has just stopped. I understand that this is a slow process, and that I need to be in it for the long haul. However, it's easy to get caught up in the initial weight loss and to think it's always going to be that dramatic and that fast--I need to readjust my thinking a bit. :)