Is anyone on here doing a vegeterian or vegan healthy eating?

What are you eating to get your nutrition needs?


  • enrique
    enrique Posts: 24 Member
    I lift weights and as a vegan getting enough protein is hard. I'm trying to stay away from GMOs, gluten, and anything un-natural. So far Gardenia has been doing the job.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    enrique wrote: »
    I lift weights and as a vegan getting enough protein is hard. I'm trying to stay away from GMOs, gluten, and anything un-natural. So far Gardenia has been doing the job.

    Gardein's not really gluten-free? They have a few GF products, but they have the risk of cross-contamination.

    Anyway, OP, I'm an ovo-lacto veggie. I eat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, lentils, plenty of vegetables, and supplement sometimes with protein bars or shakes because I like the convenience.

  • nono706
    nono706 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for more than 20 years now. I mostly grew up eating this way- I was raised by hippies who were big on whole grains, vegetables, legumes and so on. I drink a Vega Performance shake first thing when I wake up and get the rest of my protein from whole milk dairy products, eggs, and following the rules of food combining.
    - A note about food combining, though. It can be really easy to go overboard on carbs and not get enough fat in your diet this way. I try to avoid huge servings of grains, like brown rice or whatever and add serveral servings of nuts and seeds each day. It's also important to vary your diet and not rely on the same favorites for years on end. I developed an intolerance to certain kinds of beans because I ate them in large qtys for years.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2015
    I eat vegan for breakfast and lunch because the antibiotics I'm on are all "anti-iron, anti-calcium, anti-life within 2 hours of taking".
    Dinner's another thing altogether.

    Anyway, it's lots of fruits, veggies, dark greens, chick peas, tofu, peanut butter, beans and multivitamins for me.
  • patc2011
    patc2011 Posts: 3 Member
    I try not to do much dairy or eggs. giving up cheese is really hard. breakfast is easy- oatmeal or a smoothie, lunch is usually salads. dinner is hard. by the time I get home from work, and try to work out ( I am a slow runner) it's late to try and make something...
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    patc2011 wrote: »
    I try not to do much dairy or eggs. giving up cheese is really hard. breakfast is easy- oatmeal or a smoothie, lunch is usually salads. dinner is hard. by the time I get home from work, and try to work out ( I am a slow runner) it's late to try and make something...

    I'm the only vegetarian in my family, so I'm usually eating something different than they are. I have celiac disease and a sensitivity to processed soy products, so most commercially available vegetarian protein sources for quick meals are out.

    I like to cook ahead and make myself things like a lentil loaf, veggie chili, chickpea patties, veggie soup... and freeze them in portions. When it's time for my main meal, I pull out my portion, heat it up, add some vegetables and it's a quick meal.

    Maybe prepping ahead and freezing would work for you for your work nights.

  • patc2011
    patc2011 Posts: 3 Member
  • p90Xgalfitness
    p90Xgalfitness Posts: 7 Member
    I am currently following a vegan diet, while doing the Chalean Extreme workout series. I find that I recover faster while on this diet, and have more energy. I get my vegan recipes from the fork over knives website, and vegan cookbooks.
  • healthygal95
    healthygal95 Posts: 23 Member
    Literally anything that didn't walk, crawl, swim, slither, fly, have a mother, father, or face. ;) No, seriously though it's veggies, fruit, grain, bean, nuts and seeds.
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    I'm vegan as well. I tend to consume too much fat and not enough protein. DAMY YOU! OLIVES! I try to up my tofu intake and eat less olives and fatty spreads for breakfast (They are made out of sunflower seeds). Chickpeas and beans are also a really good source of protein. I try to have them as often as possible :)
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    Oh, and roasted soy beans are amazig as a snack. I buy them in 50g packs and use them as a super yummy protein source. I sometimes even have them as my only lunch, as it is filling as well.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2015
    Olives have fat? I just lost 10 pounds on a diet that consisted of snacking on olives pretty much constantly between meals. Lol.
  • Linvala
    Linvala Posts: 53 Member
    I usually cook a lot of meals with chickpeas (I'm obsessed with them) I'll use sun warrior protein powder (vegan) if I want to add more protein. Chia/flax seeds to oatmeal or smoothies. You should google vegan staples and you'll get a idea of what to get to make sure you can cook easy meals and meet nutrition needs