175 to 250 in 4 years. WTF. Time to change.

I can't believe I let myself go this bad.


  • FitMom4Life27
    I completely understand where you're coming from! I moved away from home about 8 years ago and was 160 pounds and pretty fit. Over the next 6 years I went up to 246 pounds. It was crazy! After having my daughter two years ago, I have kicked my own *kitten* and I am now 157! You can do it! It takes way more discipline on the side of nutrition than exercise (that was the case for me anyways). Hope you make a good change!
  • dylanbussom
    Thanks for the support. I shouldn't have let this happen but I can't un-ring the bell. Time to move forward. I think this app is going to help a lot. This is my first day of using it and its been an eye opener. I've never even counted calories until today.
  • brookiebrooke87
    brookiebrooke87 Posts: 9 Member
    Even for me it was hard to believe I let myself go as far as I did. I've been using this app since the beginning of the year and have been slowly successful. I've lost 7 pounds. But I believe that losing slowly I will be more successful at keeping it off. I've tried losing quickly and just as soon as I was where I wanted to be I would gain it all back plus some in just a matter of a couple months. Good luck with your journey if you want to add me as a friend for support please feel free!
  • dylanbussom
    We can do it! We just have to be vigilant and keep our eyes on the prize. By this time next year id like to start the insanity series, but I'm in no shape to do that routine right now. I've got too much extra baggage weighing me down. Time to get my act together and it all starts with eating right.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    That's the tragedy of "dieting" when used to mean "severely restricting calories and/or food groups to attain weight loss".

    Knowledge is power.
    Food logging is a pain, but really does help.
    Calorie counting is useful, but doesn't work for everybody.

    The biggest lie in "dieting"? That you can go back to what you were doing before and magically maintain your dieted down to weight.

    For those who have trouble with their weight, weight management is usually a lifetime commitment. Losing weight effectively needs to be about understanding the choices you make about your diet, and their impact.

    Almost always, long term success is about losing the weight through a combination of lasting dietary modification (smaller portions, fewer empty calories, more foods that are nutrient dense and low calorie) and lasting lifestyle change - usually a change to consciously burn more calories through activity/exercise.
  • PDR85
    PDR85 Posts: 372 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I went 180 to 240 in 2 years... It happens bro, just get back in the ring and kick some *kitten*! You got this.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    We can do it! We just have to be vigilant and keep our eyes on the prize. By this time next year id like to start the insanity series, but I'm in no shape to do that routine right now. I've got too much extra baggage weighing me down. Time to get my act together and it all starts with eating right.

    I'm down 16 lbs since the holidays and have been really committed on the food side over exercise. I'm 53 and only 5' so slow and steady is the name of the game...

    I spent the first 5 weeks just diligently weighing and logging everything and making sure I balanced my macros daily and more importantly "weekly" . Focus on lean protein and lots of good complex carbs from fruit and veggies, but don't deny yourself something you really want to have! Just work it into your calories/ macros and it'll be fine. If you go i over one day, you can spread that out over the next day or two and it still works out by the end of the week. Everyone will tell you your chances of long term success go up if you just modify what you like to eat, maybe look for lower calorie options for your favorites... And drink all your water because it does help fill you up at the very least.

    I am not much in the exercise department, but I finally added an hour of swimming a week in addition to my logging and at Week 6 I started tracking my steps to see where I was. This week I'm adding 30 minutes a day of stretching/ strengthening.

    It's working well to focus only on one new thing at a time, so take your time and you'll set yourself up for success! Best wishes on your journey :)
  • MontanaMan98101
    MontanaMan98101 Posts: 1 Member
    180 to 296 in 5 years. 296 to 217 since May 2014. Key thing for me was to walk everyday or go to a gym that has a treadmill and count those calories. I can not believe how the calorie counter on this site has helped open my eyes to calories I didn't know I was eating. You will get there.
  • laurahickman14
    laurahickman14 Posts: 84 Member
    One step at a time - looking to make more friends and share lots of motivation and tips with you all - the more friends the happier!
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    Know that feeling!
    Best of luck to you.
    Feel free to add me