I give up

Hi everyone. I called my title page "i give up" because I am tired of beating myself up every time I fall. I am tired of getting angry with myself for every mistake I make when I try to lose weight. So I give up doing that to myself and have decided to do the best that I can do every day and appreciate myself for that. I am new to the website and I saw the article about the 70 year old woman who lost weight by using this website, which is how I ended up on this website. I am 51 years old, and I hope to look at least half as good as her when I reach there. It was very inspiring to read. Anyway, I hope to talk to lots of you soon. I actually have no problems exercising when I do exercise, it's when I fall off, and beat myself up over it, and take a long time to get back on the exercise wagon and the nutritional wagon. Wish me luck!


  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    no beating yourself up, not allowed!! Tomorrow is another day :) take it day by day, that's how i handle it :)
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Good luck and hang in there. You're in for the long haul now, no sense in getting in a twist over one day.. when that one day is only one day in 20 years (if you do plan on looking like her when you're 71!!) Remember, good decisions come from experience, and experience is generally the result of bad decisions! Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. Chalk everything, good and bad, up to learning experience and go with it all the wiser.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    well you're not giving up...at 51 you're learning...you have learned that beating yourself up for being human only defeats the purpose. Keep going and educate yourself here and get the support you need and you will succeed.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    One of my many goals with weight loss is to look younger, and if you look at before and after pictures...almost everyone looks at least 10 years younger...I will be 39 the end of June and by the time I am 40 I want to look 30....=0)
  • kwinterscheidt
    kwinterscheidt Posts: 45 Member
    weight loss is a minute by minute struggle for me. so i really try to take it minute by minute. if i can get through the day, then that is one more day i made good choices and one less day i made bad choices!
    Its so so hard but you have to stick with it!!
    good luck!
  • amazing_grace♥
    I AGREE!

    If I mess up, I just get up the next morning and get right back at it. I don't allow myself to get upset about it. In fact, I allow myself one day (usually on the weekend when I know I'm going out with friends) to "mess up". I look forward to that one day, and do my very best to stay on track the rest of the week.... it's been working for me. I've been on this site one month today.
  • Jazzart
    Jazzart Posts: 28 Member
    Knowing what you're supposed to do and not doing it is something that you have complete control over. No-one is forcing you to overeat, not exercise or put the wrong things in your body, You have the power to do what's right for your body, now what you have to do is keep a strong mind and..... " Just Do It!! " There are thousands of people right here that you can turn to when you think you're feeling weak, We are all here to help motivate you in the right direction, Wishing you all the best,
  • waiakapalae
    thank you, I appreciate that! I don't think I've heard anyone tell me that recently...I will try not to beat myself up because it's not allowed! thanks a bunch!
  • HeatherScottTN
    HeatherScottTN Posts: 65 Member
    I just started back to EATING RIGHT and EXERCISING.

    The fitness instructor reminded me that it is and HOUR BY HOUR CHOICE.

    CHOOSE to eat the right things or drink your water or do your workout THIS HOUR and then, when the next Hour gets here, CHOOSE again what you will do. Do not throw out the day because of a bad choice.

    It is really our CHOICE, isn't it? What will I CHOOSE for myself today?

    You CAN DO THIS! Never give up on YOU ...:wink::wink: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • waiakapalae
    thank you for the encouragement! it means a lot! it's amazing that I am talking to total strangers but yet feel that you know how I feel? thank you again!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Make it a change in lifestyle. Make it a hobby. I find when I didn't say diet it kind a changed my mind set. I didn't want to be on a diet because a diet is temporary. I want to be healthy for as long as I have left. It may take a little longer, but when I changed the way I thought about it the weight came off without any effort and I was not hungry. I actually eat more now than ever. I just make healthy choices. Cut out most processed and empty calorie foods. I eat whole fresh foods and lost all the weight I wanted. I am actually loosing more than I wanted so I am trying to increase my calories and finding it a little hard. It didn't take a day to put it on and won't take a day to take it off.
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    I have a tendancy to beat myself up as well. I'm learing to let it go and take one day at a time! I'm sending you a friend request
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    To be honest, I know that "failing" frustrates me, and I tend to give up when I'm frustrated. I don't think I'm alone in that. Knowing that, I set goals that I thought I could realistically achieve. Myfitnesspal calculated that I should be eating 1200 calories a day to lose what I want to lose, but that seemed destined for failure. So I set my goal at 1500 and accepted that I'd lose weight more slowly. At that level, most of my days are small successes instead of small failures, motivating me to keep going.
  • waiakapalae
    thank you for the support and kind words. it really means a lot at my age. it's like i just gained a ton of new friends to talk to without even walking out of my door! it's great! thank you again!
  • waiakapalae
    that is very wise advice and I appreciate it, small successes instead of small failures! i like that! thank you very much!
  • kimmylou10
    kimmylou10 Posts: 1
    Until I met my husband, 25 years ago (ugh!) I was 5'9, 120 lbs. and a size 5. In the first year that we were toghether (met in h.s.) I gained 60 pounds. Then I had two children and gained additional weight. About 10 years ago, I successfully lost 55 pounds. Unfortunately, I FOUND it all over the course of the years. Last August, as I neared my 40th birhtday (november), with the help of my best friend, we embarked on a feel better way of life. We have been successful thus far...losing a little at a time. I'm currently down 35 pounds and 4 pants sizes. I can't remember what it's like to wear a size 16, but I'm there and they are getting baggy !! :)

    My advice to you is this: do not look at it as "falling off" or "giving up". If you bring these words into your life, you're setting yourself up for defeat. I've finally reached the point where I can have a piece of cake at a party or a glass of wine (or 5 !) on the weekend and not beat myself up. I've allowed myself to 'LIVE" knowing that it's not the end of the world if I have something that "is bad for me". I just tell myself that it's ok and I know that later in the day and/or tomorrow I will need to watch the calorie intake or work a little harder at the gym. In the end....it all balances out and I don't find myself riding the roller coaster of life with the major ups and downs of guilt and happy.

    Since I started using MFP in early April, I've found that it definately helps to keep things in line. When I am hungry in the monring...I EAT, then just watch what I have for dinner. Set realistic goals and remember....we didnt' put this weight on overnight, therefore we can't expect to take it off that easily either. And on that subject...why is it that it takes a month to lose 6 pounds, but I can gain 5 over the course of "bad" weekend? It's just not right, but it's life.

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
  • waiakapalae
    thank you for the wise advice. i am learning already! thank you!
  • waiakapalae
    thank you for all of the good advice and sharing your experiences. i will definitely read this over and over. thank you again!
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    It is amazing the support you will receive on MFP ! A little over a year ago, my doctor told me I would be lucky to see 50...now life has a different outlook. This group will help you to stay on track and motivated. Best of Luck ! Ray
  • waiakapalae
    thank you for that. the more i read everyone's response the more it makes more sense to me, it's like me talking to myself all these years, but its not me anymore, its others who know the way i felt and how it feels, so that makes me feel a whole lot more motivated to want to do this right this time! thank you again