Starting off day 1!

Decided I needed to start tracking my food intake again. Any helpful tips??


  • _franco_
    _franco_ Posts: 23 Member
    Tip #1 If you're going to read food labels, check the portion size which the numbers refer to. No one eats 1/2 cup of anything ;-)
  • amyhamilton15
    amyhamilton15 Posts: 11 Member
    Be honest with yourself and what you log daily. I ate marshmallow peeps today and had a bad fat filled breakfast and hated recording it but I did. Then I did a workout video tonight because I was negative calories. All I could think of while Jillian Michaels was yelling at me in the video was if those peeps and sausage links were really worth it.
    Good luck!!
  • Haha Good to know thanks!
  • _franco_
    _franco_ Posts: 23 Member
    Tip #2 Don't ban any of the not-so-good foods you enjoy, you'll only crave them more. Have them less often and smaller portions.
  • _franco_
    _franco_ Posts: 23 Member
    Tip #3 Make gradual changes
  • goblue8426
    goblue8426 Posts: 41 Member
    If I've learned anything from these forums, itsbtomuse a food scale. Weigh everything!
  • amyhamilton15
    amyhamilton15 Posts: 11 Member
    _franco_is absolutely right!! Id rather give in a little here or there and not worry about going too hardcore and then binge eat later. Been there...done that too many times
  • Thanks guys!!