i need some help

:) staying motivated has always been an issue of mine. I always have all these great thoughts about working out and eating better, but then I don't actually do it, I am sick of this routine and I need to make it happen this time. any tips ? anyone wanna kick my butt into staying motivated?


  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    edited February 2015
    When I catch myself having motivation issues there are a few things that I do that usually get me back on track.
    • Look at the success stories here on MFP
    • Read the discussions here on MFP
    • I think about the successes I have had on this journey, even the small ones
    • I think about what it is going to feel like to be healthy
    • When nothing seems to be working, I ask myself the following question.... HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT ???

    I wish you the best. YOU CAN DO IT!! :)
  • brooklyn076
    brooklyn076 Posts: 28 Member
    Be easy we are all here to help one another... Feel free to add me. We can kick each other's butts
  • Emma8882015
    Emma8882015 Posts: 28 Member
    I find it helpful to fill up on healthy foods and then have a small serving of your naughty food.

    For example, say you're craving mac & cheese. Don't deny yourself, cause you'll feel cheated and end up binging on it later. But keep in mind that indulging in a big bowl isn't a good choice lol! So I would have a say, baked chicken and veggies with a small serving of mac & cheese on the side. It's really a win/win because you're staying on the lower calorie/healthy eating plan for your body and getting a taste of what you're brain is demanding!

    Foodgawker.com is a great website for all kinds of recipes (healthy and indulgent) to give you some food inspiration too. It's great because you can sort by recipe type as well as search by ingredient!
  • glenna12345
    glenna12345 Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 2015
    thanks guys you are awesome :) ill have to check out that website....I have never heard of it