Recovering from an Eating Disorder

Hi all :)

I am a 24 year old recovering from Bulimia Nervosa.
I was previously a member of MFP about 3 years back which is around the time my eating disorder started.
I started intermittent fasting and seeing really good results which led me to not eat for days and eventually feeling guilty if I did eat anything, over exercising and purging.
I got pregnant with my second child shortly after and gave into all my pregnancy cravings and ended up weighing in at 200lbs the day I had my daughter!
I started to eat healthy and workout after and got down to 165 lbs over the course a year but I still felt fat and ugly and thats when my ED made an ugly return.
I went back to restricting and purging and got down to 130 lbs.
When the weight loss stalled, I began binge eating and purging which led to my current weight, where i've been stuck for a month now.
I decided to rejoin this site to help myself regain control of my eating habits and count calories in a healthy manner rather than obsess and feel guilty.
I am not perfect and struggle to eat enough somedays, I still binge and purge occasionally but I hope with some positive support I can improve my habits for good.
I hope to make some new friends, add me if you'd like.
Goodluck to everyone in achieving their goals. <3


  • hyIianprincess
    hyIianprincess Posts: 302 Member
    I'm trying to recover from and ED as well. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I'm 26, recovering from bulimia. I am constantly on a diet as I binge and purge. Then I fast and over exercise... To the point I'll binge once again, my weight goes up and down most weeks. I'd like just a period of time where I was stable. Can't get past a week at the moment. I'm here if you need a chat xo
  • Hi I'm recovering from bulimia as well I used to be about 120 and for the past two years I haven't fasted or purged, I used laxatives about a dozen times though. Now I'm at 155 and not feeling to good about myself so I decided to get My Fitness Pal again in hopes of losing the weight more healthily whilst maintaining positive thinking!