Back again. Looking for support!

Was on here once and it did not go so well. I am a former success story - but half of it is back and I do not want the other half! I joined a gym over the weekend with my boyfriend. Hoping to find a support system here!


  • LoveTilWeOD
    I am starting as well. Would be glad to be of support
  • MammaSavage
    MammaSavage Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the request. It's appreciated.
  • rissa2014sexy
    rissa2014sexy Posts: 4 Member
    I am here with you for support. I am using Fitbit I need support to watch my eating. The Fitbit has been a motivator to get moving. We can be Fitbit friends too if you want
  • MammaSavage
    MammaSavage Posts: 6 Member
    What is Fitbit?
  • rissa2014sexy
    rissa2014sexy Posts: 4 Member
    It's a step counter and it tracks your calories and it links up to fitness pal