30 to lose, open diary & looking for friends!

Hey everyone! 24 year-old female, admitted sugar addict, short and wide, binge-eating, shift-working, on again/off again running enthusiast here.

I've lost 25 lbs and put it mostly back on again and I miss feeling energetic and healthy. The first time I lost it, I lived at home still and had my mom as my support (she lost 20 lbs too!). Looking to find people to team up with for mutual support and positive feedback, as well as gentle reminders if we fall off track...

Add me! I keep my diary open and try to keep up with logging even if I have a bad day. Best of luck and hope to see you in my friend requests :smiley:


  • rhiannonlynn86
    rhiannonlynn86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Rhiannon, 28 year old fellow sugar addict (also coffee!), ICU nurse, avid reader, occasional 5k runner and enjoy feeling healthy/energetic when I am about 40-45 pounds lighter.
    I lost 30 pounds in college with the help of my dad and friend via weight watchers, but haven't had success with that since 2005-6. I joined the navy in 2008 and have since regained that 30 pounds plus 15 more. This summer I will have a new, non-shift working job that requires me to wear my uniforms (not scrubs) every day. I want and need them to fit again by June! I would love a buddy to hold me accountable and work through this process with positive support!
  • Lucy_6678
    Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi I am not in my 20's anymore but I want to lose 30 lbs also! I did fairly well 2 years ago and want to go further this time! I am not a runner, but I like to walk and ride my bike. I am also looking for new supportive friends! Feel free to add me!
  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, I'm Megan, I'm 21, and looking to lose 30-40lbs by August for my wedding. I have a sweet tooth like no other, and coffee is as essential as oxygen in my household. I'm currently a bartender, nothing flashy. I just had open heart surgery in December, since then I've started exercising regularly and able to do so much better than I was prior to surgery. I've started jogging again, and I'm loving it!

    I will add you, and anyone else is welcome to add me as well. I have my diary open, working on eating better. I don't log my exercise because my brain processes that as "look, you can eat more food!" So instead, I just accept that if I go over my cals by 100-200/day it's ok because I exercised. Looking for motivational and supportive friends, and I'm willing to be the same for others!
  • Hey, I'm 33 and had heart surgery last year. I ended up gaining weight after the surgery because of all the meds I have to be on. They seem to be working against me. I'm looking for someone who can understand my situation with the surgery. Hope we can be friends and help each other out.
  • SlimPossible8
    SlimPossible8 Posts: 71 Member
    I added a couple of you but anyone else feel free to add me as well. I am a very busy mom with a one year old 29 years old. Hubby is in the army and is deployed often so I need motivating friends to keep me on track and consistant. I did insanity a while back and did great. Still not where I want to be long term so lots of work to still do
  • margaretx
    margaretx Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, everyone. I also need to lose 30 pounds. I lost 27 in the first few months of last year, and have put 25 back on. I know how to lose weight but it keeps finding me again!

    I'm doing well with an exercise program--Bikram yoga 3 times a week since the beginning of the year--and now am ready to start daily food logging.

    I'm looking for motivation and support, and will be happy to reciprocate.
  • Belladolcez
    Belladolcez Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 29 and looking to loose 30 lbs before my dirty 30. I have recently made my hobby the gym. I enjoy fitness classes over staying on machines.

    I would love to have some friends to help with motivation. I'm still learning. I feel like I eat the same foods everyday. I would love to get new ideas.
  • KimFrench1979
    KimFrench1979 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there, I'm a 35 yr old mum of 2 girls. Now that my youngest is in school I have joined a gym and am trying to lose 20kg. Not sure what that is in lbs because I'm in Australia and use kgs. I hope to make lots of friends here so feel free to add me. I look forward to chatting and sharing with some of you. :)
  • lee252x
    lee252x Posts: 11 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 30-40 pounds myself add me if you need a friend and support. I used to be 252-257 I am now 215 kept it off for over a year now
  • happiimilk
    happiimilk Posts: 44 Member
    edited February 2015
    My name is Sara, I am 25 years old, I'm an LVN, I just finished and am on my way to a BSN and I'm trying to lose 100lbs. I am currently 256lbs with 3lbs lost so far. Nursing school was not kind to my weight, haha. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • lemonartichoke
    lemonartichoke Posts: 8 Member
    I'd love to add some of you too. I've been tracking for almost a month now and looking to lose 25 pounds.
  • GabrielleCote
    GabrielleCote Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the interest!!! I've got you all on my friends list!