Hello! Teacher looking to drop some serious weight.

crazyhamsterfeet Posts: 16 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
UK male Teacher here looking to lose a significant amount of weight and gain more energy/feel better. I let myself get this way through being lazy at home after a long day at work.

Tried calorie counting before and it worked so this time I'm going to stick to it. Anyone similar want to add me and support each other?

Definitely need tips on the exercise front. Especially concerning weight exercises.


  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    You sir! Are not alone. I also need to lose a significant amount of weight. Over 100 lbs in actuality. You may feel free to add me and message me when you see fit. c:
    Exercise wise, I'm doing Stronglift 5x5 program 3 days a week and in between those days I do an hour to two hours of cardio. So basically MonWedFri is 5x5 and TuesThurs is cardio.
    If I can help you in anyway then don't be afraid to ask me questions. I'm still new but will try my best to assist you. c:
  • Troy13691
    Troy13691 Posts: 60 Member
    edited February 2015
    Even though people will argue calorie counting doesn't work or isn't needed doesn't mean it won't work.
    Stick to it :) I've lost 35kgs using calorie counting I was on 1200calories a day for 6 weeks at a time and seen some pretty good results. I hope you get your goal and feel free to add me I wish you all the best in your journey.
  • crazyhamsterfeet
    crazyhamsterfeet Posts: 16 Member
    iandrew124 wrote: »
    You sir! Are not alone. I also need to lose a significant amount of weight. Over 100 lbs in actuality. You may feel free to add me and message me when you see fit. c:
    Exercise wise, I'm doing Stronglift 5x5 program 3 days a week and in between those days I do an hour to two hours of cardio. So basically MonWedFri is 5x5 and TuesThurs is cardio.
    If I can help you in anyway then don't be afraid to ask me questions. I'm still new but will try my best to assist you. c:
    Troy13691 wrote: »
    Even though people will argue calorie counting doesn't work or isn't needed doesn't mean it won't work.
    Stick to it :) I've lost 35kgs using calorie counting I was on 1200calories a day for 6 weeks at a time and seen some pretty good results. I hope you get your goal and feel free to add me I wish you all the best in your journey.

    Thanks guys. Looking forward to seeing results.
  • tracycmrn
    Add me to be friends
  • happiimilk
    happiimilk Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me. :) We can be accountability buddies. (Anyone can feel free, in fact)
  • RobfromRI
    RobfromRI Posts: 43 Member
    I am an educator in the US, add me and we can help each other reach our goals.
  • longarmedmonkey
    longarmedmonkey Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck! I too am a teacher. I find during the busy day it is hard to eat well. Counting Calories helps me stay mindful and not overeat at the end of the day.
    add me if you wish.
  • crazyhamsterfeet
    crazyhamsterfeet Posts: 16 Member
    Added all. Will do my best to help motivate, please keep me on track too! We're gonna do well.