Couch to 5k - Starting 02/23/15



  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    @AlciaMode‌ you still have lots of time to train for your 5k :)

    I have to delay starting too, still fighting my cold and today it seems to be getting a bit better so I don't want to stress my body and make it worse. Plus it's super cold here, we actually broke a record for the coldest day in recorded history (feels like -33*C)
  • Shadow814
    Shadow814 Posts: 12 Member
    I'll join. I started a C25K last year but never finished...... I did run my first 5K though last year and it was an awesome accomplishment!
  • irishladyo
    irishladyo Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in -add me! I tried this about 2 years ago but after an injury never got back to it. I've needed some motivation and I think you just provided it! YEAH!!!!!!!!!
  • adrianas119
    adrianas119 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm uploading the app now. I last ran/walked a 5K about 2 years ago. I was loosing the weight with running, but then started with PF and that completely brought me to a halt. I've gained the weight I lost and then some and I've realized I'm now even binge eating. Specially in the evenings. :( I need the motivation so bad. I love running and hope my PF doesn't act up and me getting over a cold doesn't put me behind either.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I have to complain about the Zombies, Run! app. I just bought it and it cannot play ANY of my music. This is the iPhone version - it seems that the android version is more functional.
  • khloesdad0124
    khloesdad0124 Posts: 62 Member
    I would like to join as well. My wife is wanting to do a 5k and I would like to do it with her.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I've done C25K before and loved it. Here's the link to the MFP C25K group, which should be able to answer a lot of basic questions, provide tips, etc. Happy running! :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    There's a C25K group on MFP if anyone is interested:
  • starsarai720
    starsarai720 Posts: 31 Member
    Week 1: 1 mile run/9.5 minutes.... 1 mile sprint/7minutes 27 seconds/ 1 mile walk/run (about 12 minutes)/ 4 mile walk/60 minutes.

    These were done at different times throughout the day. It was my first time running and I was very surprised by my performance. I hate running. I was also VERY nauseous afterwards.
  • Coonsmom
    Coonsmom Posts: 47 Member
    Week 1: 1 mile run/9.5 minutes.... 1 mile sprint/7minutes 27 seconds/ 1 mile walk/run (about 12 minutes)/ 4 mile walk/60 minutes.

    These were done at different times throughout the day. It was my first time running and I was very surprised by my performance. I hate running. I was also VERY nauseous afterwards.

    Stars I was very impressed to see your numbers in my newsfeed! Certainly didn't realize it was your first time! Great job! I think Bc I had the GPS turned on with the treadmill it didn't give me proper numbers. THAT made me naseaus
  • kkann91
    kkann91 Posts: 7 Member
    Did c25k Last summer, starting it up again now that there's enough light outside before and after I get off work!
  • ramsfans_1962
    ramsfans_1962 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in..started Jan 28....going slow but steady after knee surgery 2 yes ago....start week 4 tonight....feel better.. Sleep better....
  • Coonsmom
    Coonsmom Posts: 47 Member
    W1D1: 1.77 miles (combined w/r) for 30 mins -

    16.56 min miles. UGH! **included my 5min warmup BC I go the same speed to warm up as my walk segments (avid walker)
  • marbat
    marbat Posts: 10 Member
    I started c25K to get to my first 5K in May. So far so good. On week 6. Getting more challenging but I know the end product will be rewarding. Just need warmer weather so I can go run outside.
  • Hey, I just started this tonight. Add me if you like guys =)
  • Hey I plan to start on Saturday! Add me please! :smile:
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    I started on Jan 26 and I'm halfway through. My first 5k is in May.
  • vbird2014
    vbird2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I started it Monday never ran or jogged in my life ..I'm 42 started zumba and healthy eating in Jan lost 10lb so far.. Add me I need all the pushing and praising I can get lol ...
  • Coonsmom
    Coonsmom Posts: 47 Member
    W1D2: 1.8 miles, 16:40 min mile
  • sjenks83
    sjenks83 Posts: 2 Member
    Need to do this! Just restarted this app yesterday! Please add me!!!