Losing 10 lbs in 4 weeks... is it possible?!

chubbytoes Posts: 3
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I am new. I probably set an unrealistic goal here. The problem for me is that I have to be at my brother's wedding in 4 weeks but I hate to look at myself in the mirror now. I tried very hard to keep up exercising at least 5 times a week.. BUT I snack too much here and there. I know exactly what the problems are but just can't overcome the bad habit. If you are/were in the similar situation, I would love to hear how you do it. Thanks.


  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Follow the Accelerate cycle of the 17-Day diet (find the book on Amazon). It works. I lost 10 lbs in the first 17 days.

    Note: You must follow the food choices and portions fastidiously for it to work. But it does work.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    It really depends on your starting weight. A pretty good rule of thumb is that you can safely lose around 1% of your body weight a week.
  • Hello :) I've lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks, actually my goal is to lose 2 lbs a week. It is possible :) Good luck :happy:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Hi I am new. I probably set an unrealistic goal here. The problem for me is that I have to be at my brother's wedding in 4 weeks but I hate to look at myself in the mirror now. I tried very hard to keep up exercising at least 5 times a week.. BUT I snack too much here and there. I know exactly what the problems are but just can't overcome the bad habit. If you are/were in the similar situation, I would love to hear how you do it. Thanks.

    Yes, if you have a lot to lose.

    I notice you only have 13 lbs to go. If that is try your goal should be to lose 0.5lbs/week at most. Losing any faster than that and you risk burning muscle instead of fat. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be, the slower the weight will come off.
  • lbinkley2008
    lbinkley2008 Posts: 5 Member
    Being honest with yourself is wonderful, BUT you have to support yourself as well1 You deserve to be happy, you know what you want - NOW go for it! It is hard, but being determined and being a critic of yourself does wonders. I have found that getting my son to walk with me and play something in the basement helps - he NEVER lets me forget a workout and if I say "Monday" or "after Easter", he knows and he calls me out on it! Having someone to be accountable to is also a big motivator - someone you want to be a role model to an not let down (as my 5 year old son!) Drink lots of fluids and eliminate the bad things in your diet quickly so that you are not prone to cheat! :) Be sure to set goals for yourself and rewards for when your each those goals (non-food item rewards!) You will be feeling better in no time! Good luck to you!
  • dbcja
    dbcja Posts: 54
    It is possible, but in most cases is not maintainable.
  • cheyenne_alexis
    cheyenne_alexis Posts: 69 Member
    Try to mix up your workouts & make it fun.. so it doesnt seem like a chore to do ! Try doing it every other day too, like Mondays, Wed. and Fridays , Also i lose 4 pounds a week on average.. so yes losing 10 pounds in 4 weeks is possible ! Just stick to it & when you go food shopping buy fruits and veggies and snack on those ! If you drink soda try to reduce it by switching to water, you will feel so much better throughout the day.. If you cant just kick soda out that easy, switch to a zero calorie one !
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    first, start training your brain. Is that snack really worth it? if it is, then add an extra 15 mts to your workouts. Cut out all fast food, eating out, sodas, alcohol, junk food immediately. You will see a difference in a few days just from cutting all that out. Buy some mini protein bars for your snacks. They fill you up until your regular meal. Eat smaller meals every 3-4 hrs. Then try to set a goal to at least try to burn over 4,000 calories for the week. you can spread them out during the week. And most importantly, drink water all day!!! I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • 10 Lbs in 4 weeks is possible if you do your fitness/cardio on a regulair bases and you eat healthy and get enuff sleep.
    About the snacks, what works for me is to not have them in the house and if I am able to get some because a friend is offering or you got a birthday etc always log the food before you eat it and not always but at least 1/3 times your like nahhh thats 200 calories im gonna skip you after all mister chocolate =)

    Try to eat small portions through out the day ( every 3 hours orso ) to max out your metabolism.

    Also Crash dieting (extreme caloric restriction) rarely works. All it does is shut your metabolism down a very short time after you start the diet, and/or catabolizes a lot of muscle. Aim for a 400-600 calorie a day restriction, and along with reasonable cardio you will create a decent deficit. If you are already doing as much cardio as you can or care to, you may need a bigger caloric decrease. This all varies a LOT between people of different bodyweights and bodyfat compositions as well as the individuals metabolism. So while the suggested number will work for many people, it will not work for all.

    Im sticking to this and currently am losing about 0,65 lbs per day so that would be around 19,5 lbs in 4 weeks ofc some days I lose nothing and other days I lose more because of stuff like not drinking or drinking a lot that day so dont beat yourself up over day to day weights just compare ever sunday or smth and see if its going down =)

    Best of luck and hope your brother has a awesome wedding and you have a awesome day then aswell beeing 10 lbs lighter ! =)
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    It is possible. However it depends on how close you are to a healthy weight. Or maybe you're already a healthy weight trying to lower your BMI?! Anyway....I find that for people that have *more* weight to lose, they can easily take off 10 lbs in 4 weeks....if you only have 10 lbs to lose (in total) it might be harder to take off 10 lbs in 4 weeks....it can be done though. You just have to be super strict with yourself...and honest....as others have mentioned. Exercise diligently and eat right, you can do it!
  • chubbytoes
    chubbytoes Posts: 3
    Thank you so much, you guys. I really appreciate your good tips and advices.
    I am a working mom, have a job that requires me to communicate with China late night everyday. That's when I snacked a lot, especially after 11:00PM... And this is definitely the biggest mistake which kills my diet and exercise. I am not finding any excuse , but somehow after the kids are in bed, it felt good to snack during those boring non-stop conference calls and while I was reading/replying emails in those late hours.
    Again, this is bad... I know I know. I know it's wrong and I hate myself that I can't stop it. But with your encouragements I will start trying it tonight. No snacks for me after...9:00PM.
  • It is possible. I did Weight Watchers in the past and lost 15 in two weeks and I ate all the points I was able to. Good luck!
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    first, start training your brain. Is that snack really worth it? if it is, then add an extra 15 mts to your workouts. Cut out all fast food, eating out, sodas, alcohol, junk food immediately. You will see a difference in a few days just from cutting all that out. Buy some mini protein bars for your snacks. They fill you up until your regular meal. Eat smaller meals every 3-4 hrs. Then try to set a goal to at least try to burn over 4,000 calories for the week. you can spread them out during the week. And most importantly, drink water all day!!! I hope this helps! Good luck!

    excellent advice
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