Goal is to lose 30 pounds, need support, friends and motivation!

I weigh 179 right now and want to get down to 150-155 lbs. Add me for support/motivation, i promise to give it back to you!


  • S_Evanson613
    S_Evanson613 Posts: 62 Member
    You and I have very similar goals! I started at 173 and want to get down to 140-145ish. Good luck & we can do this!
  • MEmomof3
    MEmomof3 Posts: 26 Member
    I have a similar goal! I'm in for supporting one another. I sent a request!
  • I too have similar goals- I am at 167 - want to get down to 130ish. Getting married, but really want this to be healthy!
  • journeybegins
    journeybegins Posts: 21 Member
    I want in also want to get back to the ideal weight.
  • JessicaRoss27
    JessicaRoss27 Posts: 8 Member
    I am as well everyone can add me :)
  • JenWins50
    JenWins50 Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh 179 and have a goal to lose 50lbs. Daughter is getting married in June and have a goal within a goal to lose 20-30lbs by then. Would love the support as well.
  • MelodyBrandy
    MelodyBrandy Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, my goal is to loose 30lbs as well. I was at 185lbs before and I got tired of being that weight and in 6mos I lost weight by eating right and working out and went down to 165lbs. Sometime after, I fell and hurt my knee and gained some weight back. I am now back at 185lbs
  • beetlesguk
    beetlesguk Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I have around 65lbs to lose, please feel free to add me
  • oscarkiller123
    oscarkiller123 Posts: 2 Member
    We are in the same track. But mine is longer so I can help you so you help me :)
  • Hello! I have a similar goal. I'm 161 right now and desperately trying to get down to 135 again... While being healthy. Here for support for you!
  • sahartsf
    sahartsf Posts: 2 Member
    i want to lose about 25 pounds. lets be friends.
  • TiffKouns
    TiffKouns Posts: 222 Member
    I have similar goals as well! Starting weight 162 need to get down to 130 to 125! Add me anyone :)
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    Feel free to add me. We have similar goals. I have stalled recently, I could use a kick in the butt to get going again. :)
  • fitbybaby
    fitbybaby Posts: 20 Member
    edited February 2015
    My goal is about 80 pounds but anyone feel free to add me :)
  • kitchensolo
    kitchensolo Posts: 38 Member
    A friend shared this with me ... it's so spot-on, and it works ... switching one's mindset just a wee bit from goals to mini-habits ... hopefully it's useful!


    Cheers, D
  • aksteve777
    aksteve777 Posts: 184 Member
    I'd love to lose 30 but truly just like to be healthy. Best wishes on the journey
  • BULLET9992
    BULLET9992 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a 22yr old male. Lost 40lb in 2012 & kept it off. I'm losing another 30lb & building muscle mass as well. I'm currently 9lb down since I began my 30lb cut & have a lot more muscle. I'm 5'11" 198lb. Ive done powerlifting & have strength trained on/off since middle school. anyone Feel free to add me or ask questions.
  • debbob62
    debbob62 Posts: 3 Member
    You've got to be "in it to win it" with being healthy and losing the weight. My goals are similar to yours and I need support, accountability and some friends! Let's do this! Add me and let's succeed together :-)
  • I'm with you :-). I have to lose 28 lbs. I love this APP and the support from others. My motivation is strong and I want to get this final weight off. I have lost in the past 2 years 25 lbs which I am proud. However, those last 25 pounds are the most difficult to get off. So support is greatly appreciated. Thank You
  • I have about the same goal and would be more than happy to offer any support. :)