Exercises that will not hurt my hip?

I hurt my hip really bad about 5 years ago and I still get so sore that I can barely walk if Iput to much strain on it. Do you know of any exercises I can do that doesn't involve my hip?


  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Talk to a physiotherapist, random strangers don't know the details of your injury, and is probably not qualified to help with the right advice either.....
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    Swimming. :smile: The pool where I go is full of people recovering from hip and knee injuries/surgery. It takes all the impact off.
    Though I would strongly recommend talking to your doctor about exercise before you start anything. You do not want to make it any worse, and they will have good suggestions.
  • megandhight
    megandhight Posts: 89 Member
    My Dr doesn't want me to do anything and would be perfectly fine with me sitting down for the rest of my life. Seriously. I'm not supposed to stand for more than 20 mins or lift more than 20 lbs but in the process of listening to him I seriously gained weight and now I have diabetes. I have to find some way to get myself back in shape.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    My Dr doesn't want me to do anything and would be perfectly fine with me sitting down for the rest of my life. Seriously. I'm not supposed to stand for more than 20 mins or lift more than 20 lbs but in the process of listening to him I seriously gained weight and now I have diabetes. I have to find some way to get myself back in shape.

    Is that dr a orthopaedic dr or a gp?
    If gp, find an orho dr.
    If ortho, get a 2nd opinion
  • willrunforfood35
    Weight gain and diabetes can be controlled by diet.

    Get a second opinion. Don't rely on random internet strangers.
  • megandhight
    megandhight Posts: 89 Member
    It is the orthopedic Dr I have to see every year to make sure I haven't damaged my hip worse.

    @willrunforfood35‌ how would you suggest I do that? To eat just enough calories so I didn't gain weight my sugar constantly bottomed out. I have to eat every 2-3 hours
  • megandhight
    megandhight Posts: 89 Member
    What I was asking originally was does anyone know of any workout that I can do that does not involve using the pelvic muscles.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    What I was asking originally was does anyone know of any workout that I can do that does not involve using the pelvic muscles.

    arm bike

  • megandhight
    megandhight Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you I will definitely look into that
  • punchgut
    punchgut Posts: 210 Member
    I've had surgery on my left hip and about to have surgery on the right side. Tore the labrum on each side skiing. The left was the worse side so I had that surgery first. Basically, I've had a lot of hip damage. It sucks, as you know. It's near impossible to rest the hip, so the pain is constant; but this is where I question your doctor. Sitting is by far the worst thing, and causes the most pain. Flexion at the hip places the femoral head further into the socket, which increases contact and pain. Basically, look for a doctor/surgeon who can really help you out. There are lots of things that can be done these days. My diagnosis (for me) is FAI/labral tear. Not sure what you have, but if you want to talk more in depth feel free to add me and when can discuss over pm
  • nickirnz
    nickirnz Posts: 1 Member
    I suffered from hip tendonitis recently and my physio told me I needed to stop all squats etc for six weeks. Then I started to see a personal trainer who said I needed to reintroduce my body to exercise gradually. We have done a combination of strengthening my thigh muscles and re configuring my "nueral pathways from brain to hip" (sounds hilarious!) with the following excerises. We started off very slowly... watch this for good, simple, safe exercise. http://www.pilates-back-joint-exercise.com/exercises-for-sacroiliac-joint-pain.html - we did a version of the hip circles shown in the video - but we did them standing up. Hold on to something for support. Lift one leg straight in front of you, bend your toes inward, heels out and do a circle movement - clockwise. Repeat five times. Then move the leg out to your side and repeat the circles 5 x, out behind you, repeat the circles 5x and then try and do a full "figure eight" motion with that leg 5x. Switch legs. Try and do these several times a day for the next two to three weeks and hopefully the pain will start to reduce and you will be able to gradually build up your ability to do more.
  • megandhight
    megandhight Posts: 89 Member
    The problem is when I was in the military I suffered several stress fractures in my left hip. I knew it was bad but I kept pushing myself when I wasn't supposed to because I knew if I didn't I would end up so out of shape I wouldn't pass my pt test, but because of doing this and not resting I hurt my hip worse and was medically discharged from the military. I started yoga today and as long as I adjust the stretches with that hip it doesn't hurt and I can do crunches, but not sit ups as they put to much pressure on my hip bones. Its not the muscles that are the issues its the bones.
  • JessMoTX
    Have you ever thought of having a replacement? I had one done when I was 18 (about 16 years ago) and have only had to have it revised recently. I feel great and have little to no pain.
  • megandhight
    megandhight Posts: 89 Member
    No I never thought about honestly but I will definitely talk to the Dr about it. Thanks :)