Slippery Slope to 40!!!

Hey All,

I need your help!!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!

My 40th birthday is fast approaching. The big day is at the end of August. I had promised myself on the night of my party I'd be fit, forty and fabulous!!! Well, the procrastinator in me has won out so far but something has to change.

So, I need to lose 43 lbs between now and the 29th August. I have to!! I can't start the next decade like this or by the time my 50th rolls around I'll be even heavier.

I'm happy with my life, it's just this one thing I want to change!!!

Any of you lovely people want to start this journey with me, add me and we'll see what amazing goals we can achieve!!!

Kitty x


  • tricia7673
    tricia7673 Posts: 23 Member
    I just turned 39 February 7th. I'm ready to lose some pounds! I've lost 6lbs so far but doesn't show on here because I just joined not too long ago.
  • saradas
    saradas Posts: 19 Member
    Mine is in September , so I am with you on this
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I just turned 39 January 30th. Hubby and I are renewing our vows on a cruise to Bermuda in June and I bought a gorgeous, fitted wedding dress that I want to look amazing in. I have about 10 more pounds to lose. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • journeybegins
    journeybegins Posts: 21 Member
    I am having my 50th in September and would love to not only loose weight but get tight. I just don't understand where this flabby stuff came from, lol. Please add me so we can support each other.
  • aubsangels
    aubsangels Posts: 24 Member
    You can do this!!! I am the description of a procrastinator!!! Add me to your friend list because I am doing it for my health and am totally motivated!!
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    I could spend the next 6 weeks planning to start, and never actually starting!!! Just logged in yesterday and just decided on the spot to start again. Hopefully this is the last time I need to do this!!!!