Questions help!

I recently had a week of being snowed in and fell off my diet and exercise wagon! I'm now going back at it full force! Running an hour everyday and doing lots of crunches and squats and staying under my calorie goal! But I've done nothing but put on weight instead of lose! Do you think it may be muscle gain? Or should I try to make more changes to my diet? I'm getting very discouraged! Help!


  • Khovde07
    Khovde07 Posts: 508 Member
    I'm guessing it might be muscle. Without knowing anymore, it really could be lots of things. You could be retaining water, etc., etc. When I first started, I dropped 4 pounds very quickly and then instantly gained them back without changing anything and continuing to stick to my diet and exercise plan. Fluctuations can happen. Keep to your current plan and if nothing changes for awhile then look at trying something different.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    What is the timeline we are looking at? Your weight is going to fluctuate every day so some up and down is normal. If you could provide info such as when you started dieting, your original weight, current weight, any changes you've made such as changes to workouts, etc., it would be helpful. Also, open your diary if you are comfortable with people looking at what you've been eating. But keep in mind that weight loss is not linear.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I recently had a week of being snowed in and fell off my diet and exercise wagon! I'm now going back at it full force! Running an hour everyday and doing lots of crunches and squats and staying under my calorie goal! But I've done nothing but put on weight instead of lose! Do you think it may be muscle gain? Or should I try to make more changes to my diet? I'm getting very discouraged! Help!

    How long has it been and how much weight have you gained? Muscle gain is a lot slower than most people think, so while you might have gained some it won't account for pounds and pounds of gain. It could be increased water retention from the new exercise routine, though, if you've just started exercising again in the last couple of weeks.

  • hamach33
    hamach33 Posts: 20 Member
    How far under your calorie goal have you been each day? Under eating is a possible cause. My friend has a trainer who increased her caloric intake by 350 a day and she started losing weight again. Seems crazy to me, but I'm no expert.
  • margolinville
    margolinville Posts: 127 Member
    I recently had a week of being snowed in and fell off my diet and exercise wagon! I'm now going back at it full force! Running an hour everyday and doing lots of crunches and squats and staying under my calorie goal! But I've done nothing but put on weight instead of lose! Do you think it may be muscle gain? Or should I try to make more changes to my diet? I'm getting very discouraged! Help!

    Get a new digital scale. Weigh every morning before eating without clothes. Every six days you should loose a pound. .. Eating 1380 calories a day.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I recently had a week of being snowed in and fell off my diet and exercise wagon! I'm now going back at it full force! Running an hour everyday and doing lots of crunches and squats and staying under my calorie goal! But I've done nothing but put on weight instead of lose! Do you think it may be muscle gain? Or should I try to make more changes to my diet? I'm getting very discouraged! Help!

    Get a new digital scale. Weigh every morning before eating without clothes. Every six days you should loose a pound. .. Eating 1380 calories a day.

    How did you come up with that? Her diary is closed and there's no indication on her profile of what her starting weight is, how many calories she's eating, her height, etc. Plus, even if your calories are set with a 583 calorie deficit, weight loss doesn't work out that you lose a pound every 6 days.