Posting your exercise

sashalarue Posts: 40 Member
I was wondering if everyone post at the end of the day with the total amount that they did all day? I think i'm going to start doing that, so that way i don't think i have extra calories, because at the end of the day i want to stay in a deficit of calories in order to burn, but still stay nourished. What do you think is best? Do you use those extra calories you earn by working out or do you stick with the base calories w/o exercise?


  • marydee72
    marydee72 Posts: 51
    Hello Sahalrue!

    I try to think of them as seperate entities.

    I make my food plan the night before without taking into account the exercise I may or may not do and then put in the exercise at the end of the day.. I know that if I start playing that game, my mind will be all mixed up!!!

    For me personally, that is a dangerous road to go down.

  • decdeddet
    decdeddet Posts: 11 Member
    I plan food for the next day and add exercise as i go along. i have found that taking the overall total, which is usually still in the green (50 - 500) ( and all i really do is give the dog a good walk a couple of times a day), still allows me a steady loss of around 2lb a week....
    good luck either way though!
  • decdeddet
    decdeddet Posts: 11 Member
    and forgot to add, i don't starve either!. I eat well and never go to bed hungry.....
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    Just remember you are supposed to eat back at least some of your exercise calories. I can't eat all of mine back normally but I try for at least half. You don't want your net calories too low.

    MFP already accounts for you to lose x amount of lbs per day depending on your goals. So if you go below that you have a serious chance of not eating enough and then you won't lose.
  • sashalarue
    sashalarue Posts: 40 Member
    Ok...Thanks everyone made very good points. I normally eat most of my calories a day. I also get scared with those extra calories just because i've worked out enough to have 2000 calories doesn't mean i want or need to eat that many. So i do put some back like you stated Beebs33 i just don't go over board.