looking for fellow momma friends

Hi! I'm a breastfeeding momma looking to loose the baby weight and find some friends for support :)


  • MelodyE2010
    Hello I'm a momma and find it sooo hard to find time to work out be a mom and a wife and work full time but could def use a friend and support
  • Marions_mom
    Hello I'm a momma and it is hard to find time to eat right work out cook clean etch and then work out whew, ism tired just thinking about it. I could use a supportive friend.
  • nique1c
    I'm also a single mom of three who works full time and goes to school full time. I would love the support and also willing to support others. It's hard trying to handle everything and stay focused.
  • disneywisp1
    i have 3 girls,8,9 and 13, married, its so hard when everyone eats crap here lol
  • BellaFancy22
    Hi! I'm a mom of two boys (3 & 9), a student, and I also work full-time. My fiance works long hours, so it's hard trying to workout around his and our boys' schedules.