
I love drinking water so no issues but on here they say 8 cups..what is a cup size to people. Sorry daft question,but i drink from mugs and pints (northern lass)..doing everything strict so all answers welcome x


  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    1 cup = 8 oz = 237 ml
  • fit_mama_sarah
    fit_mama_sarah Posts: 17 Member
    I do 250ml :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    doesn't matter .. if your pee is the right colour you've drunk enough

  • wibblywobblynomore74
    Thanks everyone,ill keep all of the above in mind. I drink 8 if not more glasses..thank you
  • Jaydelgado1
    i Drink A Gallon of water a day.. Is that too much or is it good???
  • wibblywobblynomore74
    You can get something called hyponatremia with very quick very large intakes of water..I dont measure in gallons but this is about 4.5 litres which is double the recommended amount. If your exercising when drinking this amount thats great...sure its safe, bet yiur constantly on the loo!!
  • Jaydelgado1
    The reason i drink so much is so that i dont get as hungry..i Do drink 4.2 Liters of water a day!! You cant get fat by drinking soo much water right??
  • Jaydelgado1
    I also made water my only drink..no soda or juices except orange juice natural
  • moonstonejen
    moonstonejen Posts: 1 Member
    1 cup = 8 fl oz.
    1 pint = 20 fl oz.
    So I'm logging 2 cups per pint !
  • Jaydelgado1
  • benboyd85
    benboyd85 Posts: 60 Member
    I have also heard a good way to judge how much water you should have is to drink half your weight in ounces per day
  • wibblywobblynomore74
    That's a good reason to drink as the hormone which says your hungry is actually the same one which says your thirsty. If I feel peckish I go guzzle a pint of water..and no soda or fizzy stuff is great going..I had a bad experience with gallstones years back and my doc told me I was dehydrated!! But I never felt thirsty?? The pain was enough for me to have water now where ever I go..the health benefits are there so why not..keep it up I think we are all doing great on here on our own journey..im so pleased I came on here :D