tips & advice for home exercises please???

hi to all that read this....

For 3.5 weeks I've been watching my what I eat. I had decided that I would concentrate on eating habits first before starting exercise. I've lost 9lb so far.
I started of at 121.6kg and now 117.5.
I'm a mum of 3 on maternity leave with my youngest being 12 weeks.

Can anyone advise any exercises I can do at home please as I can't get to the gym.
Or should I maybe attempt a Shaun Ts beach body dvd like t25 or insanity?

Please help!!!!!!

I'm a little stuck now.

Also feel free to add me and maybe we can motivate each other.

Thank you


  • Runfr33
    Runfr33 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm starting t25 next week. Maybe you should give it a try, its only 25 mins a day and there's plenty of modifications for the exercises if you can't do the whole move correctly.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I like the 30 day shred. You can get it on You tube. YOu don't need very much floor space to do it either, and its only 25mins.
  • LOVED T25! Insanity is great too...just different. I messaged you too. Would be happy to help explain both programs. :)
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    Just looked up T25 on Amazon and it is over a hundred pounds. Is there a cheaper way?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Hiyah i use and for my workouts. Great workouts for free. My very first workout when i started was the 30 days shred. I found them on you tube. good luck.
  • MythicalMe84
    MythicalMe84 Posts: 80 Member
    I walk and I'm at at least a hour a day. If I can't get outside to walk I do exercise videos. You can find them used on Amazon pretty cheap. So far the hardest ones I have done are The Biggest Loser Cardio Max and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred but I have several DVDs now. I also like Leslie Sansone Just Walk. Any of them are good as long as your moving.
  • PrimroseFlower
    PrimroseFlower Posts: 110 Member
    Yes! Someone else mentioned fitnessblender and I agree. They have all kinds of free work outs from 5 minutes to an hour and a half. I use them along with my treadmill cardio. I tried the 1000 calorie workout the other day and it was fun. They also have awesome kettlebell workouts if you have any of those. :D
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Leslie Sansone walking DVD's are great. You Tube has some of them. These Dvd's take little space and fly by quickly. I usually do the 3 or 4 mile one. Have fun.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I follow Zumba videos from YouTube. Search for songs I like, and dance along. I think it's better like that for me cuz I'll never get bored with such a huge variety of music. Never the same thing every workout like with a DVD. :drinker:
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    amanirae wrote: »
    hi to all that read this....

    For 3.5 weeks I've been watching my what I eat. I had decided that I would concentrate on eating habits first before starting exercise. I've lost 9lb so far.
    I started of at 121.6kg and now 117.5.
    I'm a mum of 3 on maternity leave with my youngest being 12 weeks.

    Can anyone advise any exercises I can do at home please as I can't get to the gym.
    Or should I maybe attempt a Shaun Ts beach body dvd like t25 or insanity?

    Please help!!!!!!

    I'm a little stuck now.

    Also feel free to add me and maybe we can motivate each other.

    Thank you

    With a baby this young, I would keep it simple, unless you have been also working out before having the baby and the baby is a great sleeper (or you have lots of help). Do not panic about the weight and start doing too much all at once, not if you are sleep deprived or exhausted from caring for 3 young ones. Unless the weather is awful where you live, start with walking with the kids daily. Walking is great exercise. Or start with some beginner's videos, nothing too intense at first and nothing promising a billion calories burned in half an hour. If this goes well and you adjust fine to it, then it is time to add more intense exercise.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Blogilates and Fitness Blender are available through YouTube and they are both fantastic. They have beginning to advanced exercises that you do at home. I might recommend hiring a private trainer for a consultation at least. They can make sure you understand how to do the exercises correctly for maximum outcome with less chance for injury.
  • amanirae
    amanirae Posts: 16 Member
    Blogilates and Fitness Blender are available through YouTube and they are both fantastic. They have beginning to advanced exercises that you do at home. I might recommend hiring a private trainer for a consultation at least. They can make sure you understand how to do the exercises correctly for maximum outcome with less chance for injury.

    I am actually considering a personal trainer to come to my home, to advise and assess my situation. Thanks for that suggestion, very much needed and I'm grateful , thank you :-)
  • kbsangel1986
    kbsangel1986 Posts: 153 Member
    I loved my zumba rush (360 kinnect) before i jumped off the wagon. I'm hust now getting back on track. I also found an app called 8fit that is machine-free strength/resistance/cardio. I'm starting it this week.
  • SassyMoonbeams
    SassyMoonbeams Posts: 229 Member
    I also think jumping straight into something hardcore like Insanity or the Jillian Mihaels DvD's is not the best idea IMO, especially if you're not used to exercise. You don't want to do a workout that is so advanced that it discourages you. I second fitness blender and if you like dancing check out dance fitness with Jessica on YouTube as well (recommended to me by one of my friends on here!). Also Richard Simmons sweatin to the oldies are great fun and low impact and good intros to cardio.

    More than that though......I recommend looking into weight lifting. That will make your second biggest difference next to nutrition. The muscle you build will ultimately help your metabolism and make you burn more fat in general as well as give you better results than simply cardio.
  • amanirae
    amanirae Posts: 16 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    amanirae wrote: »
    hi to all that read this....

    For 3.5 weeks I've been watching my what I eat. I had decided that I would concentrate on eating habits first before starting exercise. I've lost 9lb so far.
    I started of at 121.6kg and now 117.5.
    I'm a mum of 3 on maternity leave with my youngest being 12 weeks.

    Can anyone advise any exercises I can do at home please as I can't get to the gym.
    Or should I maybe attempt a Shaun Ts beach body dvd like t25 or insanity?

    Please help!!!!!!

    I'm a little stuck now.

    Also feel free to add me and maybe we can motivate each other.

    Thank you

    With a baby this young, I would keep it simple, unless you have been also working out before having the baby and the baby is a great sleeper (or you have lots of help). Do not panic about the weight and start doing too much all at once, not if you are sleep deprived or exhausted from caring for 3 young ones. Unless the weather is awful where you live, start with walking with the kids daily. Walking is great exercise. Or start with some beginner's videos, nothing too intense at first and nothing promising a billion calories burned in half an hour. If this goes well and you adjust fine to it, then it is time to add more intense exercise.

    My 6 year old goes to school and my 2 year old starts nursery as of next week for 4 days a week. I've always driven everywhere but will walk her to and from the nursery in coming weeks. The baby sleeps quite well, so once i know she's nodded off I could fit a dvd of some sort in that time inc a shower afterwards lol...
    I will start of slowly as I haven't done much exercising to be honest, just the use of a mini stepper with handle bars that lives in my frontroom!
  • amanirae
    amanirae Posts: 16 Member
    I also think jumping straight into something hardcore like Insanity or the Jillian Mihaels DvD's is not the best idea IMO, especially if you're not used to exercise. You don't want to do a workout that is so advanced that it discourages you. I second fitness blender and if you like dancing check out dance fitness with Jessica on YouTube as well (recommended to me by one of my friends on here!). Also Richard Simmons sweatin to the oldies are great fun and low impact and good intros to cardio.

    More than that though......I recommend looking into weight lifting. That will make your second biggest difference next to nutrition. The muscle you build will ultimately help your metabolism and make you burn more fat in general as well as give you better results than simply cardio.

    With the weightlifting etc can you maybe look on Argos website for me and suggest a few things I'd need to start of with pls
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Blogiliates!!! There's a fantastic website with free workout videos and an app you can download into your phone. It's totally free and I love the variety offered.