What was the last straw?



  • CObluegrass
    CObluegrass Posts: 61 Member
    it was a combination of things for me. I was huffing and puffing just trying to get my shoes tied, and painting my toenails started to require contortion. I was just tired of being the biggest person in the room all of the time, and hating the way I looked and felt, always avoiding taking pictures with my 1-year old son, and making lame excuses to get out of fun things like water parks or whitewater rafting...anything with a swimsuit really. If anything was the last straw, it was the way I started feeling about myself, and the very cruel things I'd say to me in the mirror every morning. If anyone else had said those things to me, I'd straight up punch them. So I just had to do something. I HAD to. I felt like I had no choice, especially having a kid at age 41. It was about health, my spirit and having an active lifestyle. fat doesn't fit into any of that.
  • For me it was a trip to the cardiologist.
  • blee3x
    blee3x Posts: 3 Member
    Suffering a heat stroke on a summer 5-mile race in 2012, being hospitalized and realizing how fast I used to be, and how pathetic I became over the past two decades.
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    Someone asked me if I was pregnant :o
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    My work clothes don't fit, and I cannot afford buying new ones as I am unemployed. If I were offered a job, I have no idea what I would do.

    Also, I am avoiding everyone. I don't want to be seen like this.

    I have not seen my family for months. That's the worst. It's difficult to meet people because meeting always involves eating (lunch, dinner, cocktail, etc.) I don't want to discuss my weight with people, so I have to avoid these events. That does not help the job seeking ...

    It's the second time that I let myself go to that point. Will I ever learn?

  • Realizing that the way I felt about me was completely my fault for what I had done to my body. I was tired of feeling depressed and self-conscious about myself.
  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    When someone thought I was pregnant - and I wasn't.
  • gaurdgoose
    gaurdgoose Posts: 106 Member
    I was down 60 lbs from my highest weight (428) and my blood sugars had not been under very good control for the last 10 years and my blood pressure was was running was running a bit high. But my AHAH moment was a fit of depression in which I could not handle being around my 2 1/2 year old grand son whom I love dearly. I decided to do what ever it took. 2 anti depressant medicines, another diabetes medicine, another blood pressure medicine and a visit to the bariatric clinic for a supervised weight loss program.
    I lost 22 lbs before the weight loss program and since being on it (Feb 2) I have lost 23 lbs ,stopped taking insulin(2 kind), metformin, and only use half of the dose of my other diabetes medicine.
  • I was at a party and a friend mentioned that 10 yrs (and 40lbs) ago, I had six pack abs and looked "hot." The other partygoers looked at me with polite skepticism and that was it for me. 15lbs down now, 25 to go.
  • shreyashiganguly
    shreyashiganguly Posts: 30 Member
    In short: my lipid profile came out deranged and my blood glucose was in the pre-diabetic range. It was no longer about only looks.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Mech9 wrote: »
    it all came to a final mindbogglingly stressful head when my ex began cheating on me with a fit, attractive, young girl because he was no longer attracted to me.

    It made me realize that no matter what I did for anybody else, nobody cared as much as I suffered. I had to do for me. So I did.

    Your ex cheated on you because he was a selfish d-bag. He used your weight as an excuse.

    I hope things are better for you now.

  • arinkris
    arinkris Posts: 16 Member
    edited February 2015
    Running has became a chore because of the weight I have put on, it was a joy and my sanity. When I stopped training for half marathon's and took a year off I gained 25lbs. During the time I was training I had wanted to slowly lose another 10 lbs, so now 35. When I had no more races coming up or goals the last year the weight just crept back on since I was eating like a runner with extra fuel and not burning any. When I saw a picture of myself I was embarrassed, it didn't look like me. Instead of wallowing, I started using MFP, I am down 5 lbs, added cardio and strengthening, I am reading the forums, asking for advice and taking advice and I will get there. I have a goal again, that is key :)
  • tomsarno
    tomsarno Posts: 105 Member
    s8gs9zqdl1b0.jpg I saw the before picture and realized how bad I had gotten
  • acquilla30
    acquilla30 Posts: 147 Member
    Mines was realizing I was continuing to be a victim by being fat. I was raped as a child used food as comfort, and than as a shield. I lost the weight at 20 had a bad experience again and started over eating again. In early January, 2014, I was looking at pics of myself that a friend had posted on facebook and couldn't believe that was me. I was done being a victim, I was done being fat, so I'm slowly taking my life back. I have lost 90lbs from my highest weight and finding empowerment in getting stronger and healthier.
  • Sas_Man
    Sas_Man Posts: 4 Member
    I knew I was a Big Man. My clothes barely fit and my belly pushed out on all my shirts. Whenever I could I would wear a sweatshirt of something to try to conceal it.

    I had given up on dieting after many failed attempts. I figured, might as well eat and be happy!

    But one day I could not even walk one block without running out of breath and having to stop and rest my legs, that was enough for me! I have a wife and kids and they deserve better from me.

    I realized I hated trying to fit into booths at restaurants, or being the fat guy who sat next to you on the plane, spilling over into your seat. I was embarrassed to go to the movies because I took up not only the whole seat, but the armrests too! And don't get me started on trying to fit into other peoples cars or worrying about breaking the chair I was sitting in.

    It was time to make a change!
  • Gumbie7
    Gumbie7 Posts: 45 Member
    When I went to the doctors recently for anxiety medication, because I'm a emotional binge eater. Tried the meds that made me incredibly sick. Then my fantastic massage therapist gave me all these articles on how food and an in balance of nutrients can throw off your body chemistry and make your anxiety worse. That was the eye opener, that all my 100 calorie snack packs may keep me under my daily calories, but I was seriously depriving my body of what it needs to be balanced overall. This is all new for me, but I'm trying and the things to come is what keep me hopeful. The feeling of liking naked me again, less anxiety, better life, more energy for my son, more energy for horseback riding, etc. One day!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I've always been mentally comfortable being big (maxed out at 5'3" and 250 lbs). My boyfriend of 3 years loves me to death. I've always had good blood sugar, good blood pressure, good cholesterol levels, etc, so I've never felt a reason to change. However, no matter how "fat but healthy" you think you are, your body is in a constant state of accelerated mechanical breakdown if you are overweight, or, like me, morbidly obese. After all the years of denial, I finally decided I don't want to be in pain anymore. I already have osteoarthritis in my hip due to an injury in high school, and the rest of my joints are catching up. The longer I wait, the closer I get to becoming incapable of caring for myself. These aren't worries I should be having at age 31. Enough is enough. 31 days using MFP, and 6 lbs down. I can do this!
  • joest73
    joest73 Posts: 11 Member
    Turning 40, tipping the scale above 200lbs. Growing into size 38 pants. High Cholesterol... Sweating for no reason at all. I could go on...
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    My personal trainer looked me in the eye and asked "When are you going to get serious about this?"
  • ninayoungdog617
    ninayoungdog617 Posts: 55 Member
    My husband had a minor heart attack in October. He now has a stent and is on four different medications. We always lived an active lifestyle and thought we were eating healthy. I have put on 30 pounds in the last 5 years while going through menopause. All these variables coming together have caused me to really reevaluate my eating habits along with everyday stress. Now 95 days later I am down 32 pounds and my husband is living a healthier lifestyle. We workout together and our diets have been completely changed. It was and continues to be a journey we are taking together. I love MFP because it connects me with a whole community of support.
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