Showers at Good Life

I've never used the showers before at the gym. I go home and shower. I'm a very modest person and like my privacy.

I recently got a new job. It takes me about an hour to get to work now using the transit system. (I do not drive.) The last couple of days have been a battle to get in my workout and get to work on time. Yesterday I got to work 1 minute before the start of my shift and today it was 2 minutes. I need to take an earlier bus but that's not going to leave time for the gym as I would need to go and be back before 5am. (My gym is open 24 hours)

Now there is Good Life that's not even a 5 minute walk from my new work place. I am considering going to work early and going there. My issue comes with the showers as I've never used one there before as I said. I have a couple of questions:

1) Do most of them have stall type doors that you can lock?
2) Is there space enough for me to change in their and take my work clothes in with me so that my work clothes (and towel) do not get wet? (As in is there a shower curtain between the change area and the shower area?)

I've seen people walk around the change room at the gym I currently go to wearing a towel wrapped around them. I can't see myself doing that.

Any other advice/tips for showering at the gym and then going to work after???



  • brewstar10
    brewstar10 Posts: 12 Member
    I think your best bet would be to go into the gym and ask for a tour. They won't take you into the locker rooms but they'll encourage you to go check them out for yourself. That way you'll know exactly how much space there is for you!