I'm new here seeking friends and motivation

I'm new and trying to lose 50 lbs all while taking care of a toddler . Searching for people with similar goals and motivation


  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! I'm down 40 lbs and am a super super busy mom of 4. I'll help you any way I can. Add me as a friend!
  • I don't have a child to take care of but I am on a journey to lose 40 pounds.
  • Hi I am also trying to lose 50lbs feel free to add me so that we can motivate each other. Good luck on your journey
  • asmitchell88
    asmitchell88 Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey :) I also have a toddler. A two yr old little girl. I also work in childcare. I started out wanting to lose 45 pds and so far I have lost 22. Add me, I would love to have a new fit friend.