
fayeparker23 Posts: 12
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
hi im new to mfp, only saterted a week ago. ive been a bit nosey and looked at a few food diarys just to compare them with mine and ive noticed everyone seems to be drinking so much water, some up to 10 glasses a day. 1st im guessing a glass cant be a pint size surely? is it just a small tumbler or half pint, im confused :S also how does everyone fit drinking this much water in to there day, iis it best to try scedule it in with meals and between. I drink a coffee in aa morning and have about 2 during the day, and maybe squeeze a glass of water in there somewhere. By the looks of it im not drinking enough fluid, could that jeopardise my weightloss, any answers to my qusetions would be much appreciated, also feel free to add me x x x x x


  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I take a bottle of water into classes with me and i keep sipping on it as i'm teaching. I also make sure i drink at least one glass with all my meals. Ive always drunk loads of water so hasnt been much of change for me as Ive never touched hot drinks. water is a good way of repairing your muscles and flushing toxins from your body.
    Hope that helps


  • tj5000
    tj5000 Posts: 69 Member
    I count a half pint as 1 glass. I try dto drink lots during the day at work - even if it just means sipping it regularly. Drink more especially after exercising so you don't get dehydrated. I believe drinking lots of fluids helps with your weight loss, it flushes everything through. Doesn't have to be just water, you can have it with squash - low sugar or in tea/coffee etc. You also get water from eating certain foods.
    If you do a search on drinking water in the "community" area I'm sure you will find more info and help than I can give.
  • mirandamatte
    mirandamatte Posts: 130 Member
    a bottle has 16.9ozs. So I count one bottle as 2 cups since 1 cup is 8 ozs.
  • i hear drinking lots of water helps you to feel fuller too. your body sometimes registers thirst as hunger. i count 250ml as i glass, dont know if thats right but it works for me :smile: good luck!
  • Misskathryn00
    Misskathryn00 Posts: 47 Member
    some days i really struggle to drink water, but other days i have loads, so hopefully they equal themselves out, only trouble with drinking loads.........peeing a lot lol
  • foreverloved
    foreverloved Posts: 220 Member
    Water is really important to weight loss so yes you should start tracking better! Also i wouldn't count coffee as water since it is a diuretic! Herbal teas do count though. I assume they mean the standard 8oz's of water as a glass so that's what I go by. They say you should have 8-8oz or more of water. So a 16.9oz water bottle I count as 2 glasses.

    Kraft came out with a new water enhancer called MiO, look it up it is pretty good!!
  • Thanks for all your reply, just planning my meals for tomorow and sceduled 8 glass in with it x
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