So, who else knows they shouldn't weigh everyday but still does? I do! Lol!



  • mllett
    mllett Posts: 96 Member
    @fattofit_fritch26‌ It's like it just begs to be stood on!! LOL!!
  • avatarrules123
    avatarrules123 Posts: 66 Member
    I weigh myself every day. Kind of get sad when I sometimes weigh myself after drinking a bunch of water or eating a meal (of course that would make you gain weight) but I still get a little worried that it's permanent weight instead of just temporary. Then I sleep this (weight) off and am back to my normal weight the next morning. My weigh-in day is Saturday.
  • mllett
    mllett Posts: 96 Member
    @spicy618‌, I know what u mean! Glad u overcame that!
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    i don't weigh every day..but i do weigh fairly often. the fluctuations do not bother i don't see it as a problem
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I actually don't agree that people should only weigh once a week. (With the caveat that people also need to get over their obsession with specific numbers on the scale)

    I weigh myself at least twice a day! Every night right before bed, every morning after a visit to the bathroom, and oftentimes in between if I'm changing clothes, etc. This was the BEST tool for me in getting over the obsession over "how much have I lost? How about now? And now? OH, NOES, I GAINED!!!" It only took a few days of seeing my weight drop by 2-4 pounds every night for me to realize that YOU CANNOT ACCURATELY MONITOR YOUR SUCCESS BY STARING AT THE SCALE. Unless you are very heavy to begin with, healthy weight loss means losing a pound a week OR LESS in body mass. Water and digestive fluctuations will be larger than your actual loss in body mass! Weighing frequently has helped me to get a feeling over my weight RANGE, and I now choose a weight in the middle of my range as my "MFP official weight," with the knowledge that at any time, I'll get on the scale and it will read a pound less or several more.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I can weigh everyday, sometimes multiple times a day, but I only actually log it once every week or two. I think it's fun to see the numbers dip and climb based on what I've eaten or the activity I've done. I'm weird lol.
  • Lessofme33
    Lessofme33 Posts: 51 Member
    Guilty but it works for me so...
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    Every morning
  • mllett
    mllett Posts: 96 Member
    @EWJLang‌, It just depends on the person. Some people don't feel the need to check everyday, and some people do. Some people find it discouraging. So, to each his own. ☺
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    edited February 2015
    By weighing only once a week, you lose over 85% of your data points. As long as you understand that your weight WILL fluctuate, both up and down, weighing daily and looking at the overall trend is the best option.

    I log my weight in the fitbit app (free account, I don't even have a fitbit), which I have linked to - this is my graph for the past 6 months (been doing this for 2 years now, but you can see better on the snipped graph) - the thin gray line are my actual daily weigh-ins...the thick red line is my weight trend. Doing this has helped me see that I usually have 2-3 weeks where I don't lose, and may even gain...and then 1-2 weeks where I lose a lot...but the overall trend is still down, regardless of what my daily weight looks like....the spike at the end is because we were on vacation from the 13th through the 22nd, and I didn't log my foods at all (and didn't eat very drank 3 bottles of wine in 10 days, whereas I normally don't drink at all), and only worked out once.


    ETA - I weigh every morning as soon as I get up, after I use the bathroom, and before I eat or drink anything. :)
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    When I was losing weight I found it to be highly motivating to weigh myself everyday. Do whatever works for you.
  • mllett
    mllett Posts: 96 Member
    @ShibaEars‌ I don't think that's weird. That's good that u don't let the fluctuations get u down! ☺
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I weigh myself every day, except for when I know I've eaten a bit too much the previous day. I don't get upset when the scale goes up a bit because I know fluctuations are normal. The only thing I don't do is log the weight when it's up. I find it more motivating to look at a chart that is constantly in a downward trend.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    mllett wrote: »
    @EWJLang‌, It just depends on the person. Some people don't feel the need to check everyday, and some people do. Some people find it discouraging. So, to each his own. ☺

    I know, but I see the whole "weigh once a week only" thing put out constantly, like it's a given. And then I see SO MANY threads where people freak out because that once day a week weigh in happened to go up. If you only have one data point a week? That is guaranteed to happen sometimes. If you can live with that, and know that it's not a sign of failure or a "plateau" or "stall?" Then, fine, stick to once a week. But, personally, I think that for most people "once a week" isn't good advice. I mean, the goal is a good one -- the idea is to encourage people to not obsess about the numbers on the scale, which are pretty meaningless over a short time frame. For me, the best way to understand that your weight is never just one number, and that daily and hourly fluctuations of 2, 3, even 5 pounds are pretty typical? Was to get lots and lots of data points.

    The problem comes when you start thinking that that pound or two that appears and disappears is body fat that you are gaining or losing. It's not! Don't sweat it! Something that doesn't depend on the person is the fact that we're all better off if we truly understand how our bodies work.

  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I weigh myself daily. I like data. I have an Aria Scale so my weight is automatically updated on Fitbit and MFP. I focus on overall trends ( helps with this).

    Some people are bothered by little fluctuations and those are the people who shouldn't weigh daily. If they don't bother you and aren't going to make you do anything extreme then there is nothing wrong with weighing daily.
  • wreckchord
    wreckchord Posts: 5 Member
    I do. Every morning. Some days I get really frustrated with it, but it just sort of inspires me to "do better" that day. Like, I know if I weigh something one morning and have a slice of pizza for dinner that night, I'm going to weigh more the next day (because of the sodium) and it just reminds me that I need to keep what I eat in check the next day.
  • mllett
    mllett Posts: 96 Member
    @gobonas99‌ I just started with mfp 25 days ago and I use it to log my weight (only if I've lost, lol). I ve been losing weight for about a month now (down 18, whoo hoo) and I keep a log beside the fridge where I write my weight down every morning. Yep, I write it down, I m old fashioned. Lol! I, also, weigh every morning, after I go to the bathroom. ☺
  • tamonique22
    tamonique22 Posts: 24 Member
    I can't weigh myself every day. I used to be that way when I first started losing weight and it stressed me out way too much. So I stopped doing that. Now I log my weight once a week. I actually weight myself twice a week. I usually weight myself Mondays and then again on Wednesday to make sure I’m staying on track. ..But hey that’s just me. Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself motivated :-)
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    gobonas99 wrote: »
    I log my weight in the fitbit app (free account, I don't even have a fitbit), which I have linked to

    Thanks for posting this. I weigh daily and keep a trend line using an Excel spreadsheet. I started doing this after reading "The Hacker's Diet" by John Walker. (I happen to like numbers and enjoy messing around with Excel.)

    But, I know that other people aren't as enthusiastic about number crunching, so I've recommended to people who have a WiFi scale before. However, it is neat to know that you can just enter your weight manually into a free Fitbit app and link that to trend if you don't own a WiFi scale.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    i weigh myself every day, but i don't get hung up on individual numbers, i look at the trend, whether i'm trending up or down. i understand that daily weights fluctuate.