It's only 10 lbs, right?

PMWiggi Posts: 18 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I'm ready to go comado on this issue! I've tried lots of things and I was really on a roll when I joined Weight Watchers. I got down to goal and was really proud of myself. But, it didn't stick! I know I eased up on my workout routines but I was exercising so much and I couldn't maintain the schedule. It just goes to show you can't do things you can't maintain to lose weight! It just won't work in the long run.

So, I'm trying to get back on track! I exercise 1-2 hours/day. I track every morsel I eat. I drink lots (not enough but lots) of water. I'm faithful. It's not making a bit of difference.

I've been on a plateau for 4 months. I can't lose weight no matter what I do! I feel so discouraged.

I'm good at following a plan so I don't know what to do next. Weight Watchers uses a point system so I'm hoping by using the calorie counts (here), I can gain some insight into what I eat every day.

If this doesn't work. I'm probably going to give up! I just can't keep torturing myself and feeling bad about something (it seems) I can't control!

Too bad because I really am working hard! I want to be in a healthy BMI. I want to get down 1 more jean size! I want to be able to wear a tankini this summer. I want to feel good about the way I look. I want to eliminate one risk for diabetes.

I want so much and I have no problem doing the hard work to get it. It's just, I have to see results. I have to have that carrot dangling in front of me. Otherwise, why keep struggling with the problem.

I sure hope something gives! SOON! :frown:


  • BaronessBlixen
    BaronessBlixen Posts: 56 Member
    The last ten pounds are the HARDEST to lose. I just wanted to lose five, and lost the first two with great success. Now...I'm stuck. My eating habits are great. I exercise four or five times a week. And yet...nothing.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Your food jounal isn't public, so I couldn't see what your eating..
    But have you tried eliminating white carbs? Diet sodas?
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    Sounds like you workout a lot... have you just taken a break and let your body rest? There really is such a thing as over training.. something you might look into... if you think that's not the issue what about changing up your routine DRASTICALLY... try something completely different, or look into getting a personal trainer and/or nutritionist to help look into particular areas you maybe having trouble with but don't realize it. I hope things get better for you, if you stick with it.. it will come!! :flowerforyou:
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    I am there too, its SO discouraging to not move on the scale. The one thing that has helped to dip in to about 7 pounds is when I zig zag my calories but my problem is then I PMS = eat more and gain those 3 pounds back LOL Have you tried zig zagging?
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hi there,

    Welcome first of all to MFP! It's great here :D

    Just wanted to drop you a line about your plateau as I have just come off the back of a long one. When you are tracking your cals on here make sure you have a look at your "Net Cals" at the end of each day. Calories in minus Calories out. I found that I had been netting only about 800 calories for a long time (I worked out a lot), which isn't much, so I upped my cal intake from 1200 to 1400, and tried to eat more of my exercise calories, so I was netting at least 1200 each day. In 2 weeks of doing this I lost 4 pounds! And have continued to loose. So check out and make sure you are feeding your body enough to keep loosing :)

    Good Luck!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Been on a plateau for 3 weeks now....and just by changing one thing I have lost a pound. And it was as simple as changing up my workouts and letting my body rest. Maybe you just need a rest for a few days....don't log anything....just watch what you normal...and then get back on track. It might work.

    Good luck!
  • grace1611
    grace1611 Posts: 55
    HI stop beating yourself up. You are putting your body into stress releasing hormones that stop you loosing weight. Give yourself a rest 2 days a week don,t go to gym go for a walk or a swim. Eat your full calorie allowance relax ,those few last pounds will melt away.
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I can't personally attest to this, but my mom said she was working out harder and harder every day at her office gym to get over the plateau, when a coworker (who also happened to be a trainer on the side) told her she was working too hard. Instead of burning her fat storage, she was just burning her immediate fuel sources -- i.e., her last meal. When she slowed down her cardio a bit, she started to lose weight again.
  • PMWiggi
    PMWiggi Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! I have a personal trainer and he says I work out too hard but I guess I don't believe him! I mean, more is better right?

    Seriously, I probably need to give myself a rest but I'm afraid to do that because I think I'll gain weight. I know. I know. People should not workout the way I do but professional atheletes do it and they don't get fat! So what gives?

    I learned, today, that my doctor thinks I eat too much sugar! My numbers look good on the reports but she says I eat too much and that's probably what's keeping me at maintenance weight! So, I guess I'll try to take it down a notch! Since I'm not eating all my calories every day, i anticipate a problem.

    Now before, you get excited. I don't eat all my calories because I'm trying to practice only eating when I'm hungry! That's a real challenge for me so it's important I learn to do it! It just happens that I stop eating before all my calories are consumed. I guess that could be part of the problem but I don't think I'm going to go back to eating just because it's time or just because (you name the reason)!

    Anyway, I appreciate all the feedback. I'll try some of it! We'll see what happens.
  • marcyjane83
    marcyjane83 Posts: 20
    ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD..."SEARCH" _the seventeen day diet!

    MOST LOOSE 10LBS IN THE FIRST 17 DAYS! Not a fad, just removing carbs and refined sugars and then reintroducing them. I think there are 50 pages of people talking about it. Good Luck!
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