Any Nutratarians out there? Or Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat To Live" believers??

I am 8 weeks into my new life-style. I have lost 15 pounds and I have never felt this good! I am a believer because I decided 8 weeks ago to absolutely NOT "try" this but to "DO IT". I would love to meet others who find this lifestyle a very hopeful avenue to eliminate medications, illness and to create a long healthy and fun life!


  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    I am generally following the nutritarian diet....not strictly, but it certainly is helping me make better choices. You can check out my food dairy if you like. Lots of beans and salads and tacos/burritos full of veggies. I have mostly given up dairy, but still eat meat.

    In the couple months I have been doing this lifestyle change I have already noticed that my blood sugar is much better regulated. I used to get low blood sugar crashes if I didn't eat I don't experience blood sugar crashes even when I haven't eaten for a long time. And I have a lot of energy! My husband likes the diet too!
  • WyrdSyster
    WyrdSyster Posts: 21 Member
    I am back on the plan after a deviance in another direction. Day 2 of the 6 week plan. Friend me if you like!
  • Poss25
    Poss25 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there, I haven't made any post comments before, just having a look around. My husband & I have loosely been following the Nutritarian dietary style for almost five years. I've been able to maintain my weight but am still overweight by about 6 - 10 kgs. I'm addressing this now and would like support and food ideas.
    We are probably 95% vegan in our eating. I've also started 5:2 in this final push to get those last kilograms off.
    I have no idea how to request any of you as a friend in this App.
    Any help would be kindly appreciated.
  • Hello, I incorporate a lot of Dr Fuhrman's ideas into my way of eating as well as try to eat an alkaline versus acid diet. I have found this helps tremendously with pain. I have an old back injury as well as bursitis in my hips. I have lost 13 lbs (not sure what that is in kg) and my pain has diminished. I think the Eat to Live book is fantastic and should be read by all who want to get off meds an live a more healthful life.
  • I agree that it's a powerful book with lots of great advice. I have shed 16 lbs in the last 10 weeks following it 90%.
  • WyrdSyster wrote: »
    I am back on the plan after a deviance in another direction. Day 2 of the 6 week plan. Friend me if you like!

    How do I friend someone? Would like to friend the Nutratarians here....
  • lgday5
    lgday5 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm making the change to nutritarian since I suffered several bouts of pancreatitis. I have been working on educating myself and making good choices. Unfortunately, I haven't lost any weight yet, but im sure that will come in time.
  • Poss25
    Poss25 Posts: 9 Member
    I try to follow a Nutritarian diet. Got my cholesterol back under control with I.
  • psharma06
    psharma06 Posts: 93 Member
    I would love to learn more about the plan. If anyone could share their experiences, that would be great!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    There's an active group of folks striving to follow the nutritarian principles.
  • danygard
    danygard Posts: 3 Member
    I became a nutritarian 3 years ago. I lost 40 lbs but never reached my goal of my high school weight. I over ate the nuts, cheated with too much rice and never got thin enough to recognize "real hunger" (how can you really feel hungry with an extra 25 lbs of reserve fat you can draw on). I have recently recommitted using the psychology from the Beck Diet Solution to stay firmly nutritarian. Many of my boring gross health complaints (psoriasis, IBS) have been knocked down to nothing when I stay true to Dr. Fuhrman's program