Trying to lose 10lbs and not having much success

Vickylowe1030 Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2015 in Health and Weight Loss

I have been working out 4-5 days a week, anywhere from 30-75 mins a day. Sometimes brisk walking + elliptical trainer, and sometimes just walking or just the elliptical trainer. I have not been doing any weight lifting or any other strength training exercises. I have been counting calories via mfp website however. My question is, if I am supposed to be eating 1200 calories a day to lose a pound a week, does that mean 1200 (instake)-400 (workout loss)=800 and then you take the 800 and add back 400 of intake of food so that you are meeting your 1200 a day goal? I am really confused by this. I usually end up eating about 1600 a day, but am burning about 400, so am staying near my 1200 a day of intake but not seeing much of any results. I have lost 2lbs since Jan 10 2015. Please help! Thanks in advance.


  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    For me i always eat under my intake because if i eat more i lose nothing. I also walk between 45-60 mins a day and now adding 25min slim in 6 work out.

    Alot of people will say eat more or less. But try and find what works best for you. I also dont eat after 7pm at night. cant mind where i had read this but your body slows down aswell and i find this help me aswell.

    Also if you workout more than what you eat a day i find helps to. Can always try one of these. It only another day just take a day at a time and see how you go.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    so if you are at 1200 a day and MFP says you earned 400 calories through exercise-just eat 1/2 of it back
    so 1200 + 200 = 1400

    MFP tends to overestimate calorie burn
  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    If you only want to lose 10 lbs it may be best to go slower and change your goal from a lb a week to a half lb a week
  • sandrableizeffer
    sandrableizeffer Posts: 11 Member
    I am having the same issue. Elliptical 30 minutes Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday. Jillian michael 30 day shred (25 min) Tuesday and Thursday. Been doing this for 3 weeks and not even a lbs gone
  • I think 1,200 would be closer to 2 lbs a week wouldn't it? I was having the same problem, I gained 60 lbs pregnant and lost 50 of it in just a few months. My daughter is 16 months and I STILL can't lose the last 10. I've tried everything. I think I was eating too little M-F and then I was so hungry by the weekend that my cheat days were out of control. I never tracked them because I was too ashamed, but I think every week I would go down a lb or two and then gain it right back. At one point I stuck to 1200 a day for a month, lost all 10, and gained it back within two weeks. Now I am trying to slow and steady pace, .5 lbs a week with no cheat days. It gives me enough calories to add in the foods I love. So far this is helping me although it is a slow process. Good luck!

    Also, I do about 1,480 calories a day now plus I add back 50-75% of my exercise. This seems to be working for me but again, it is a slow process.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Good suggestions I only eat back about half of my exercise calories as well. It seems to work better than not any back, but I think that differs form person to person.

    Also are you weighing or measuring what you eat? Using a scale is the best way but I personally don't have the patients for that....I do use measuring cups though for everything. You'd be surprised that what you though was just a pinch of cheese was really 1/4 cup or what you though was a Tablespoon of dressing was really WAY more. There's a lot of calories in both of those items so it's important to know exactly how much you're getting.

    The last 10 pounds is the toughest....but keep it up! You can do this!
  • sandrableizeffer
    sandrableizeffer Posts: 11 Member
    I am allowed 1040 calories per day based on my set up. I just went over with my dinner so I have to do 35 minutes of elliptical in order to get back on positive on my rest day? Maybe I'm doing too much exercise? Is there too much?
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I am allowed 1040 calories per day based on my set up. I just went over with my dinner so I have to do 35 minutes of elliptical in order to get back on positive on my rest day? Maybe I'm doing too much exercise? Is there too much?

    MFP won't let your goal drop below 1200 (even for those who it might be right for like the very petite) so how did you get a goal of 1040?
  • sandrableizeffer
    sandrableizeffer Posts: 11 Member
    I am 133 lbs want to go to 122 female mid fourties? I don't know???? I just know I hit 1300 today because I have a cold and don't do my cardio this morning like normal
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Hmmm well I'm 131 pounds and 37 y/o (only trying to get to 127 though) and my calorie intake goal is always 1200 or higher...never lower. You must have set yours up different. I thought no one ever got a calorie intake goal lower than 1200.

    I would say 1300 intake in one day won't hurt you. My lightly active average form my fitbit is about 1650 calories burned per day (before exercise). so I think at 1300 you'll probably still be a t a slight deficit.
  • sandrableizeffer
    sandrableizeffer Posts: 11 Member
    Well. I wasn't following my food intake but doing my cardio etc everyday but Sunday and didn't lose a pound. See if this makes a difference. Definitely see what I put in. Lol. I went over on my sugar but it was in my healthy food lol
  • BerrySlim
    BerrySlim Posts: 4 Member
    Hi maybe try to get your macro nutrients percentage along with calories correct. If you don't eat enough good fat it can hinder progress also. Check out this info on macro nutrients. I had same problem.
  • Vickylowe1030
    Vickylowe1030 Posts: 2 Member
    I might add that I am a 33 year old female and only 5'0" tall or short, however you want to look at it! ;) I think a good weight for me is 120-125 so technically it could be 10-13 lbs that I would like to lose. For me, anything less I think that would be too thin. I have been mostly doing what everyone is stating, as far as only eating about half back (on most days), but of course on the weekends I tend to stop counting my calories, and let myself do what I want. I have to be more strict and stop the nonsense I guess. Thanks everyone for your input!!! I really appreciate the guidance and support.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Well....I'm 5'1" and 37 y/o so my goal is few pounds higher than yours.

    I can tell you at our height and age you can't "do whatever you want" for 2 days and lose weight. As you've seen it's possible to maintain like that but not to lose. I absolutely have to count your calories, measure everything, drink lots of water and get some extra exercise to lose weight....all 3 if I miss one I won't lose any.

    Feel free to add me and peek at my diary if you want. I have lots of petite friends on here who are in the same's not easy for us short gals!