
Hello everyone! I used MFP a few years ago and lost about 20 lbs with tracking/exercising and hoping to do it again. I got pregnant/nursed a baby for a year and gained the 20 lbs back. I am trying to motivate myself again and have finally gotten into gear! I have a fitbit that I love and get 10,000 steps in a day, and recently purchased an elliptical machine for the house last week and cancelled my gym membership since I have no time to go with a toddler/job/spouse that travels for work often. I have been using the elliptical every night after my daughter is in bed for a week and taking a 30 minute walk during lunch at work, and already feel great! I am hoping to get most of this weight off before summer so I can enjoy the neighborhood pool with my family! I also would love to get professional family photos taken but can't get myself too, since I am so fat. :-( Anyways, hi everyone!


  • StellaElla14
    I just got the FitBit Charge HR and I love it. Which one do you have?
  • hopeove330
    i just got the fitbit charger hr today and I love it hit 10,000 steps before midnight...yyyaaaahhh how are you guys doing today
  • mishell209
    mishell209 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the fitbit surge hr. I have upped my daily steps goal to 20,000. I have lost about 20 lbs since getting my fitbit 3 months ago. It helps me competing in the daily and weekly challenges
  • susanasu
    susanasu Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys! Love my fitbit too and the challenges! I have the fitbit flex. It really motivates me!