Hi I'm looking for friends

I'm Looking for friends, I need to lose almost 30


  • CarpeVitam
    CarpeVitam Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking for friends too. I have more to lose though, my goal is to lose 75.
  • Marlene1667
    Marlene1667 Posts: 201 Member
    I am also looking for friends. My goal is 70lbs
  • courtjean81
    Friends over here too. Just joined today had no clue how this app works. Kinda like a fb it seems. I need to lose 20 lbs by June. Getting married in July. :)
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    Ive been here a week almost . And I could use some friends. Esp folks who know the ins and outs of actual diet. My skill set runs more towards the gym. But I'm stuck with 40 pounds left to lose. I lost 60 before signing up over last 18 months.

    I will send you all requests then hitting the hay. Meeting a pal for interval training at 8. Wish you all a good evening
  • tmumma88
    Hey all, I am a nutrition major and would love to answer any questions. I also have weight to lost, about 30lbs (yes, nutrition professionals can be overweight!). I would love to share me knowledge and have some friends along the way!
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    Thats great...

    I need to work on the diet thing. Get something jump started. Ive already decided to cut or at least reduce bread. So many friggin calories. Not worth it. Gonna check out the tortilla scene tomorrow....lol
  • tmumma88
    That is a great start, I get in trouble with bread and grain products myself. I use a saralee bread that is 45 calories a slice, but there are also the bread thins. Also, like everyone knows most fruits and vegetables are low in calories. I have a goal of eating one fruit or vegetable at every meal, Right now I have breakfast down.

    Anyhoo, if you have any specific questions I will do my best to answer or research for you all!
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    I was talking to a guy at the gym..He says think about it this way, we generally use bread to hold what we are eating like lunchmeat or tuna fish. There is a better way.

    I just laughed but hes right. THe test will be a pasta dinner tho lol.
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    I will probably have questions lol
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    but its bed time. Good night all
  • tmumma88
    Haha, ya that is one way to look at it. Just make sure you are getting carbs from other sources because your brain likes to be fueled by carbs. Other sources of carbs are fruit, low fat milk and cheese, yogurt, tofu, nuts, and veggies.
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    My diary is full of cheese fruit and milk lol

    Thats good I guess