Help!!!! Motivation!!!

Like the title says i'm looking for motivation. Trying to stay focused on my goal for weight loss and just getting more healthier in general. I'll share the support and motivation back. Feel free to add me.


  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member

    My take on this is perhaps a little different than expected.....Motivation comes and goes.

    Try focusing yourself through commitment to your goals, make them real/believable and relevant to you. Then get into being persistent.....keep logging everything, go do your workouts/whatever and stick to your calorie goals....again make these things enjoyable and doable by you and finally be patient.....this will take time....whether it be weight loss, strength training, endurance, fitness or diet changes.

    Also, use MFP to its full the forums heaps, get some like minded successful people around you here and IRL and see what they say, do etc. There are many members on here who are absolute gems and smart.

    All the best with your goals....
  • PinkandBlack87
    If you start to feel overwhelmed make smaller goals that will eventually help you reach your bigger. For example I made posters I hang on my wall. One is my overall goals and the other is a calendar I made. Every night before bed write your goals for the next day that way its taking one day at a time and more likely to stay motivated