Getting Frusterated

spoiltrotten1 Posts: 18
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been using MFP for over a month now and I have only a 6.6 lbs weight loss. I have been sticking with my calories very well (with an exception of 2 days, I went slightly over by 100 or 200). I work out like crazy - 5 days a week for about 45+ minutes. Generally over an hour. Elliptical, Zumba, I started 30 day shred yesterday in addition. For example do the elliptical for 50 minutes and come home and do 30 day shred. I am getting a little frusterated because I see people who are doing this as long as I have that have lost twice as much weight. Any thoughts on why my body can't lose weight faster??

Thanks for any help, suggestions!!

Feel free to add me as a friend!


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    First of all you can't compare your weight loss with others weight loss. Your 6lbs might be 4% of your weight and someone else's 12lbs in the same time period may only be 3% of their weight.

    Secondly, you should open up your diary so people can see what you are eating and offer suggestions.

    6.6 lbs for a month is a good slow steady pace for losing weight.

    If you are sticking to 1200 calories and exercising 5 hours a week, then you probably aren't eating enough.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    It takes time for your body to adjust actually 3-6 weeks. Sometimes it actually stores in the beginning leading to little or slow weight loss. Also if you are toning there is a very good likely hood you are gaining muscle which would make your scale numbers less likely to change dramatically.

    Are you measuring? Both your inches and your food actually! If you measure your inches you might see more results (I personally like doing pictures too) and if you are eyeballing instead of measuring food that has ALOT to do with it. While being injured I asked my sister to make my morning smoothie because the nausea from pain meds I couldnt get up right away, anyways I told her what I like and had to stop her before she just eyeballed everything, she actually got pissy until my mom told her I religiously (ok used to be religiously we're getting back to it) calorie count.

    And the other post is correct % of body fat has ALOT to do with how fast you lose. As my body fat has gotten lower my weight loss has slowed. Its very frustrating actually
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Almost 7 pounds in a month sounds excellent to me. I agree with the above poster though, if you're doing all that exercise and only eating 1200 calories, you need to be eating back at least some of your exercise calories.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Remember healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week so you are doing great. Are you eating exercise calories back? If not try that and make sure they are "quality" calories!
  • MzNeecie
    MzNeecie Posts: 107 Member
    please don't get frustrated remember part of this battle is mental. i know b/c i had to acknowledge that myself. you may see others loosing what looks like more and in the same or a shorter time period but they may be heavier than you or they may be more active now than they have ever been which is like a shock to the system so they are seeing rapid results. Tust me it is very hard to stay positive but the one thing i have learned is to not compare myself to others. i ask advise or maybe mimic some of there activities if i haven't tried them before but other than that i walk my walk alone. just stay focused and stay the course. it will happen.

    there is a sign at my gym in the cycling class that says to all riders ride your ride at your own pace, and each time i see that sign i think about it and apply it to this and some other things, i will get to my goal at my own pace and so will you. Good luck and stay encouraged.

  • I get 1430 calories a day. I eat back about half or a little more of my excercise calories. I am not exact in measuring my foods. For the big items I am but for condiments I am not. For example, I drink a lot of crystal light (I hate plain water) and generally forget to add it to my calories. Or if I am not exact with my ketchup or salad dressing I don't freak out if I go over 2 tablespoons because I feel I save about 100-200 calories at the end of the day to make up for my going over.
  • please don't get frustrated remember part of this battle is mental. i know b/c i had to acknowledge that myself. you may see others loosing what looks like more and in the same or a shorter time period but they may be heavier than you or they may be more active now than they have ever been which is like a shock to the system so they are seeing rapid results. Tust me it is very hard to stay positive but the one thing i have learned is to not compare myself to others. i ask advise or maybe mimic some of there activities if i haven't tried them before but other than that i walk my walk alone. just stay focused and stay the course. it will happen.

    there is a sign at my gym in the cycling class that says to all riders ride your ride at your own pace, and each time i see that sign i think about it and apply it to this and some other things, i will get to my goal at my own pace and so will you. Good luck and stay encouraged.


    Thank you for this... it is very mental... sometimes it is 1000x easier to eat bad foods then to watch what you eat!! You are right I keep seeing all these people loose more weight and I am jealous!! I will keep pushing on! Thanks for the support!!
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    You're right on track. In another month you're ticker is going to say 14 lbs lost and then by July 4th you should be at 21 lbs lost. Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing.
  • kelce
    kelce Posts: 3
    Do not worry! Almost 7lbs is more than 1lb a week and many times 1lb a week is what is recommended. You're doing well. It sounds like you're doing some hard workouts so it's quite possible that you're building muscle while losing fat. Do you take measurements? One month I gained 3lbs but lost 6 inches so I was glad I measured or else I would have been majorly depressed.

    Keep doing what you're doing. It sounds like you have a great plan and you're making good progress! Be proud of yourself!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member

    Cheer up! You have lost 6 pounds. That's 1 lb a week. I think you are doing great! Just keep it up.
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