I need some help and motivation

Hi everyone,

I am finally starting my weight loss journey and I'm going to need some help along the way. I'm starting slow. Watching what I eat and taking my steps. I hope to lose about 100 lbs in the next year and a half and I know that will be a struggle for me. Any help, advice, recipes, motivation would be awesome! Thanks in advance!


    TAMMYBARUCH Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Tammy. Don't think of this new journey in your life as a "struggle". Remove that word from your vocabulary.
    And also think 10 POUNDS.
    I am going to lose 10 pounds.
    And then after, see how you feel,,. Think about it,,. And then you decide what you want to do with your "machine".
    Every time you are hungry,,,, think
    "It's time to put fuel in my machine"
    You are a Ferrari,,,, Ferraris need the absolute best fuel.
    Please text me or call me if you need help
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    Good luck to you on this journey. You made the first step, now continue to think positive. Breaking your big goal into smaller goals may be very helpful, then you can celebrate these successes as you continue to your ultimate goal. Just remember burn more calories than you take in and get moving. Find some exercise that you like and burn some calories. You don't have to give up your favorite foods just eat in moderation. You got this!!!
  • Boe4Life
    Boe4Life Posts: 51 Member
    Hi and welcome o the group. There are many sites out there. Spark people has recipes. Allrecipes.com,most food sites that you can search for recipes will help if you type in low fat, healthy, low sodium etc in the search engine. Or try Google healthy recipes. My name is Doug feel free to add me and we can see if we can't get through this as a team.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Think of this is as your life's work... and like they say if you love what you do it isn't work... SO Start by looking into the mirror and telling yourself you are starting this and because YOU deserve to treat yourself better, because YOU love yourself enough to do it... some days it's going to be tough love, other's not so much... In the beginning focus on improving your nutrition, and replacing your old habits with GOOD healthy habits... and like a poster above insinuated... begin thinking of food as fuel...monitor your hunger... on a scale of 1-10... 1 being starving and 10 being "oh god"... then focus on keeping the "needle" between 3-4 when you are hungry.. and 6-7 when you are full... YOU are going to crave salt, sugar, and any old standby comforts... find a good multi-vitamin to help get your internal chemistry on a more balanced footing and KEEP taking them throughout your journey...

    Lastly.. MOTIVATION.. is an internal thing.. you won't find it out here... it is in your heart... and in your soul... it's the little voice you need to listen to when you start falling... it's the one telling you to get up, dust yourself off and get back at it... it's the one telling you.. lift just one more rep... walk one more step... that YOU do NOT need that cookie, or cake or sugar... listen to it.. it is looking out for your best interest... YOU got this... welcome and have fun learning to get to know the new you
  • rockinrobin614
    rockinrobin614 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice and support!