Hitting a plateau

so I've been on MFP for almost 4 months now & I've lost a little over 30 lbs with maintaining a clean diet & gym 5 days a week. But the past couple weeks i feel like the scale has hardly moved & I'm not seeing many changes. Anyone have tips on what they've done when they've hit a plateau & felt a little discouraged? Thank you :)


  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    A couple of weeks isn't a plateau. Weight loss slows down naturally the closer you get to goal. You just have to keep doing what you are doing and be patient.
  • blondiebabii06
    blondiebabii06 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay thanks for your feedback
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Tighten your logging. If you aren't using a food scale, invest in one. And remember that weight loss isn't linear.
  • blondiebabii06
    blondiebabii06 Posts: 8 Member
    Very true, thank you :)
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    When I hit stalls, the first thing I do is make sure I am weighing, measuring, and logging correctly. If that is all good, I wait. 2 stalls have lasted 3 weeks each and one lasted 4 weeks. I did nothing different and the losses started up again.

    Some say you can switch things up a little. Don't eat less or exercise more, but change your routine. If you eat your main meal at night, try eating it for lunch instead. Work out on different days and/or different times of the day. There is no proof that this works, but it can help the frustration because you are doing SOMETHING and, who knows, maybe it will work for you. Definitely can't hurt.
  • 4thDegreeKnight
    4thDegreeKnight Posts: 69 Member
    I actually just posted a thread on this. I'll relay what my trainer told me years ago and it makes a big difference when I plateau.

    Try to suddenly confuse your body. If you are consistently hitting X calories, say 1500 - zig zag around it over the period of a week. Eat 1300 on Monday, 1600 on Tuesday, 1500 on Wed, etc ...

    If you are at the gym, break consistency. If you are always on the treadmill at 4.0 - go to elliptical for 2 days. If you don't lift weights, lift a few. Don't do classes, take one.

    Religious on your calorie counting, have a massive cheat day and let yourself gain a lb because your body will work it off as well as a second lb.

    Add an additional meal and make the others smaller.

    Do whatever you can to break routine for a week and see what happens. This has helped me more than once. Also look at your sugar intake for the past two weeks. I know at one point I was religious of my calorie intake but I always saved calories for a Coke as my treat. Found out my body was sugar sensitive and I had to cut it out for a few days, as soon as I did - weight loss.

    So keep trying and know that after you have lost significant weight like you have, it does also fall off slower but confusing your body may help.
  • blondiebabii06
    blondiebabii06 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you both sooo much. Now that I think about it I do tend to stick to the same things. Like my meals I tend to eat the same thing for dinner, same snacks etc. which i don't get sick of lol, but I'll try breaking out of my habits and switch it up a bit. cardio I do tend to switch up, but maybe I should switch up my strength training. I do some now, but I've been doing the same things for a little while now.
  • abarriere
    abarriere Posts: 135 Member
    I am having similar feelings as you. What has helped me was to look at non-scale achievements, while the weight isn't budging. I did a side plank with leg raises for 30 seconds last gym session, i have never been able to do that. During the cardio portion of training, i was able to up my speed on the treadmill on a 12 incline. I am obviously getting stronger and more fit, the scale will budge eventually.

    I have been doing an awful lot of elliptical and treadmill these past 7 weeks, so i think my trainer is going to change my exercises to incorporate other modalities.