Personal Rewards?

LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
Does anyone have any rewards that you or someone else is giving you for your weight loss? I DO! For every 15 lbs i lose I can get a new piercing! (I love piercing, I had 9 of them until Oct. then I had to take them all out. ) I just hit 30 lbs lost (unofficially, I don't weigh in until Sunday) so I'm gonna get 2 piercings next week!! I'm so excited!
What rewards do you guys get?


  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    New tattoo when I reach my goal!!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I'm finishing my back tattoo when I reach my goal weight....65 pounds to go still....I don't have any in-between goals though!
  • veganhoneys
    veganhoneys Posts: 34
    Awww- I thought I was so original! I'm hoping to lose 10 lbs this summer to get down to my goal weight for my birthday in July. If I'm at my goal weight I'm getting my bellybutton pierced (finally!)
  • codiroxi
    codiroxi Posts: 5
    I like to give myself rewards as well! I usually do rewards based on how much weight I lose...for example...I recently got myself a pedicure for losing 5 lbs. My reward for 10 lbs is going to be a massage, and when I lose 15 lbs and get to my goal weight, I plan on buying myself a new pair of jeans! I thought it was important to make bigger rewards for more weight loss, it's definitely a motivator!
  • ChloMonster
    ChloMonster Posts: 19 Member
    I also am going to get a new tattoo when I get to my goal weight!
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    when i lose 25 pounds my boyfriend is buying me a wii. i have 3 pounds to go. so hopefully i can do it by the 21st because that i my birthday.
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    When I get to 40lbs I get to book a trip with my wife.
  • BeGreat25
    BeGreat25 Posts: 78
    My question is why are you taking them out after wards?
  • BeGreat25
    BeGreat25 Posts: 78
    Or sorry why did you take them all out?
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    When I lose 20 more, and my friend loses 10 more we're going to get tattoos we've wanted for awhile. Neither can get their tattoo til the other reaches their goal!
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Or sorry why did you take them all out?

    Long story short, I had a run in with the law and they made me take them all out. Worst Day Ever. 3 of my piercings actually serviced that 36 hours of hell I went through, my 2 earlobes and my tongue ring.
  • BeGreat25
    BeGreat25 Posts: 78
    I'm sorry to hear :(sorry to pry I was just wondering cause I have 11piercings & I know it hurts more to see one go than to get one.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I'm sorry to hear :(sorry to pry I was just wondering cause I have 11piercings & I know it hurts more to see one go than to get one.

    Oh for sure, it was so devastating to lose them. But it's a GREAT motivator for me to get all of this weight off!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I have just under 30lbs to go to get to my first weight goal (might go lower if I feel I need to we'll see) and I am starting to slow down, I was thinking of doing a Pandora bead for my bracelet for every 10 lbs! I just have a thing for charm bracelets!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    When I reach goal weight I am going bikini shopping- yes bikini shopping.
    For now, every 5lbs I lose I get a new outfit.
    In all honesty its the shopping and NOT hating myself that I enjoy more than the clothes
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    When I reach goal weight I am going bikini shopping- yes bikini shopping.
    For now, every 5lbs I lose I get a new outfit.
    In all honesty its the shopping and NOT hating myself that I enjoy more than the clothes

    I bought a cheap bikini at walmart, and it's hanging on my mirror as a motivator :)
  • shannonichole
    shannonichole Posts: 126
    I told myself when lose over 25 pounds, join a gym and regularly go I will reward myself with a vacation. So I am leaving for London July 12th!!! :bigsmile: