Feeling like an idiot

Just got on my scale and apparently I gained 1.4 pounds! I don't understand and it's so incredibly frustrating. I guess I'll need to work harder at the gym! :(


  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    A 2 to 5 lbs fluctuation is normal. It can be within the same day or a week. It can be caused by water rentention (too much sodium the previous day) or muscles repairing from your previous workout. You have to look at the trend. If you're the type that weighs every day (like me!), write your daily weigh-in on a calendar. Than take your lowest of the week and log it in MFP. Then, after 3-4 weeks, you'll see a trend and you'll be able to adjust accordingly.

    I sent you a frien request :) Feel free to add me.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Unfortuanately being female makes it difficult to see anything in one week. You really need to see the trend over a month because your monthly cycle can easily throw off a single weekly weigh in. Also make sure you're logging everything because you can't work off bad eating. Weight loss starts in the kitchen.
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    I agree with Melduf. I too weigh daily but I have one day that is considered my official "weigh-in" day. But I think I'm going to start using Melduf's method. Another thing that I do to monitor my progress is measurements and trial clothing. I have a pair of jeans that was the size I was when I started this back in January. I try them on once a week and take a picture of myself to show just how far I've come.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Also make sure you have your calories accurate. Weigh your food and double check the calories...sometimes what is in the database is wrong!! Just today I logged my banana and the MFP database entry I grabbed on the phone said it was 67 calories. That didn't seem right to me so I looked it up on the usda nutrition database and it it's actually 86 calories. 20 calories here...30 there...add up.

    I've become almost anal about my food logging.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    melduf wrote: »
    A 2 to 5 lbs fluctuation is normal. It can be within the same day or a week. It can be caused by water rentention (too much sodium the previous day) or muscles repairing from your previous workout. You have to look at the trend. If you're the type that weighs every day (like me!), write your daily weigh-in on a calendar. Than take your lowest of the week and log it in MFP. Then, after 3-4 weeks, you'll see a trend and you'll be able to adjust accordingly.

    Yes, that. ^
    Weight fluctuations can happen for a large variety of reasons, and a fluctuation of up to 5 pounds (or possibly more, depending on the situation), is totally normal. The weight trend over a period of time is much more important than a single number on any given day. It might be helpful to think of your weight as a range rather than an exact number. Don't stress. :)

  • Junestorm88
    Junestorm88 Posts: 14 Member
    Don't feel that way because there could be plenty of reasons why you gained that weight and 1.4 pounds isn't much.

    1.) How often do you weigh yourself? Because with women our weight doesn't stay the same everyday and we tend to carry around water weight even more so around that time of the month. A weigh-in just once a week should do it.

    2.) Do you do any strength training? You could have gained muscle weight and that's a good thing because even though Cardio burns fat it doesn't tone the body.

    3.) Do you stress out a lot? That could also be a trigger and you should relax a little more maybe try yoga.

    4.) Are you over training or not taking in enough calories? Because the harder you train the more calories your body is going to need. It has new demands now and your using up more energy and if your not giving it by food intake than your pretty much putting your body in stave mode. Have you ever notice that after going a long period of time without eating and when you finally do you put on more weight? Well this is because it doesn't know when its going to have its next meal so its holding on to whatever fat it has to work with.

    Well hope this helps!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Good info so far. I'll add to be sure that you're accurately weighing your food and using the right diary entries. Losing weight is more about what you're eating and not how much you exercise. I can't see your diary to offer specific advice but I'll tell you that sloppy logging can easily ruin the deficit you create in the gym. A 2 mile run burns about 175 calories for me which is less calories than a 2 tablespoon serving of peanut butter! Be very careful with your food entries and you'll see better results than spending more time at the gym.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I had gained a pound when I weighed in yesterday too. Guess what- it was gone this morning. But I feel you. Even though I knew in my head that I couldn't possibly have actually gained a pound of body mass, I felt a little bit discouraged. But I keep going!
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Hard to comment without seeing a food log
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I use an app called Happy Scale. I weigh daily and log it into the app. It keeps a chart and shows me the overall trend. I always gain 4 pounds right before my period, and it comes off after. I also show a gain after a hard workout, or if I eat out (lots of sodium).

    To gain 1.5 pounds, you would have had to have eaten 5,250 calories over your maintenance count. (My maintenance at 5'9, and 180 pounds, is ~2100 calories.) If you are logging your food and keeping pretty good track and not cheating, that probably didn't happen.

    Do it for 6 weeks. Be patient. Eat well, get moving. It will work. <3
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    Unless its over 3+ lbs I don't fuss. I up my water and eat normal and it all works out.
  • OwlCherri
    OwlCherri Posts: 13 Member
    Never be discouraged. Watch your salt intake! Wake up tomorrow ready to get at your goal!