where do i find the zest again?

canadian_cristal Posts: 14 Member
edited September 27 in Success Stories
Lately I've been in a funk. I used to love going to the gym after work, now it's starting to look like a task. I love my step instructors and the people... I just don't know why I don't have the zest to go to the gym. It all started after Christmas. I used to go Mon to Fri, then just tues, thurs, and fri, then thursdays... then hardly once or twice a week. I'm not bored.. I'm just not interested to go... Any thoughts on how to get the motivation to go to the gym again?

PS i'm new to this place too and just started this cool site.

edit note: i just realized i posted this on the wrong forum.. how can i move or remove this post?

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  • barbleit
    barbleit Posts: 8 Member
    Buy a few new workout clothes and lay them out before bed.Lace up your shoes, and just do it.Also try a new sport or class.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    no, not really..i am in the same boat...started in feb....worked out 7 days a week..now 5, and that seems like a chore lately.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Oh. I thought you were an inexperienced cook who wanted to know where to find the zest on a lemon. I had the answer, for once...
  • blue3628
    blue3628 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh. I thought you were an inexperienced cook who wanted to know where to find the zest on a lemon. I had the answer, for once...

    thank you for that. really made me giggle. :laugh:
  • blue3628
    blue3628 Posts: 22 Member
    If you just started here, first off "Welcome!" ..... next, I've found that tracking my exercise on this site is a big motivator for me.
    I get a kick out of logging everything..... loved the suggestion about new work out clothes. gonna use that one myself...... also loved the "just do it" comment.... yes, yes yes! sooo right!!! ... the hardest thing in the world for me is lacing my shoes and walking out the door. if I over think it, I can weasle my way out of it by justifying that I did this or that during the day so I "deserve" the night off...(.again!)..... I can't allow myself to think about it. Have to just walk in the front door on autopilot, change clothes and start the workout immediately. Afterwards I can relax. But i've learned that I can't sit down or take off my shoes because I will never get back up! :tongue:

    Also has helped me to change up my workout routine. Some nights I work later and don't have enough daylight to go for a jog, so I alternate workout videos on those days. Before I was just allowing myself to say "well I don't have time on those days" and would skip it. But in the end, I'm only cheating myself and I can't be angry when I don't lose anymore weight that week because I didn't put in the work. Nothing that is worthwhile is easy. Gotta earn it

    Hope some of my chatter has helped. Honestly, I'm realizing that saying it "aloud" just now did me a lot of good too. LOL
    so thank you for the topic :smile:
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    I took a considerable amount of time off from the gym, and when I returned to it, it was only intermittently. I just wasn't a gym rat anymore, and I was bored. So, rather than try something different, I stopped going, and stopped exercising completely.
    Eventually I purchased a couple of DVDs and some hand weights and started working out a couple of nights a week at home. Eventually it became a habit and I began to feel good about exercising again. I decided to challenge myself by purchasing some Jillian Michaels workouts and soon after that I found this site. I love logging my exercise each day, and I also love reading success stories, and the motivation threads. There is so much support here. And, I just purchased a heart rate monitor and I love it! I love to hear it beeping while I work out, and to hear it accelerate when I am working really hard. It just stokes me, ya know? So maybe you just need to change it up. I do think that coming here and talking about where you're at is GREAT. Don't give up!!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Whoops double post :noway:
  • canadian_cristal
    canadian_cristal Posts: 14 Member
    thank you everyone! looking forward to seeing what anyone else has to say
  • kmma75
    kmma75 Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with everyone. I check out the Success Stories every so often, the stories and pictures are such great motivation. Add some friends on here too. They can help keep you motivated and celebrate your successes along the way.

    I don't have time, (more like freedom LOL) to go to the gym, so my exercise is mainly Jillian Michaels at home, once the kids are in bed. I ride my bike to and from work everyday rain or shine, and take one Total Body Conditioning class once a week.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Thank you for the post... I find myself in the same slump... this has helped!!
  • sam23030
    sam23030 Posts: 76
    Adding something new into your usual might re-ignite your previous enjoyment for exercise - I started Zumba last night and it really is as fun as everyone suggests. Not only is the exercise in class good for you but there is a lot of 'shaking' going on and it encouraged me to tone up outside of the class so there wouldn't be as much 'wobble' in the class!

    Good Luck!
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    WELCOME!!!! i agree with what a couple of the other people said... get some dvd's and workout at home or join a class. i had a gym membership for over a year and only went 3 or 4 times. to me, it was a waste of money. i didnt enjoy the gym... there were too many people there and i always had to wait for a machine and i felt like everyone was watching me workout so i was too nervous to give it my all. i went to walmart and found a couple dvd's and started at home. i like it a lot better... i can get into it more and there sooooooo many different dvd's to try with different workouts.

    give it a shot. you might like it :o)
  • LouiseLucie
    LouiseLucie Posts: 15 Member
    I hear ya, seems I'm all into it for 1 month and then hit a wall.

    Half the battle is to get to the gym, once there, I am sure you are glad you got there.

    Some had great tricks, here are some of mine.

    - get some new comfy workout clothes to motivate you

    - always have your workout clothes ready

    - if the gym offers different classes try some

    - change your routine at the gym (I always did the same thing and got bored so quickly) it's better for your muscles too to change it up

    - you your gym offers a membership where you can go to the same gym in another place nearby on the weekend if you have more time, go to the other gym

    - I log my workouts in my calendar or on this site

    - find a fitness partner, if you are supposed to meet a friend at the gym, chances are you will not miss your workout :-)

    - I love to read messages in the community on this site as well.

    - I like variety, so actually now I don't go to the gym anymore, I do things at home but that's just me, I like to do things on my own and behind closed doors, I find I push myself more when I workout at home than in a gym just because I get self-conscious (again, that's just me) I love the Zumba workout DVDs, great music, dance, I have some free weights, an elliptical trainer and a punching bag. I'm lucky to have the space at my house for it.

    - also a great cardio exercise (pretty tough) too is a skipping rope
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