Looking for friends.. to snoop on diets :D

Hi.. I'm looking to add friends, predominantly people who are trying to add muscle and lose fat. It'd be good to find some people who also utilise a high protein diet for new meal ideas and to see how people structure their diets. My diary is open to friends so feel free to add :D


  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    My diary is open. My meals center around protein, but I do have more carbs than most would like since I do a lot of cardio.
  • justacceptthisemail
    Hey - I'll friend ya. I'm currently losing fat and intend to build muscle along the way. Not sure how high protein fits in with my current regimen within MFP. I'm going to stick with that (it's pro-fatloss) and then increase intake of protein later on when muscle building becomes the target.
  • corriehatzer
    Am preping for a body building comp so am guna sit here as well . How do ypu add people and see there info
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    You can add me but am just logging current habits right now. I'm gearing up for real change. :)